A video tour of "Sam Modder: Source of All Hair, Wearer of All Socks" at the Rockport Center for the Arts.
"five minute tours"
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: “Earl Staley: The Machine” at Sabine Street Studios
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Earl Staley: The Machine," at Sabine Street Studios' North Gallery.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Nosheen Iqbal at the Rockport Center for the Arts
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Nosheen Iqbal: Convergences," July 26 - September 8, 2024.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: “Dance of Gestures” at Sabine Street Studios
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Dance of Gestures" at Sabine Street Studios.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: “Future Paradise: Landscapes of Digital Existences” at Arts Fort Worth
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Future Paradise: Landscapes of Digital Existences" on view at Arts Fort Worth through August 24.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: “Road Trip to Waco” at Washington Gallery, Waco
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of Washington Gallery’s inaugural exhibition "Road Trip to Waco."
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: “Where The Lines Meet” at Throughline, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Where The Lines Meet” at Throughline, Houston.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Three Exhibitions at Sabine Street Studios, Sawyer Yards, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of three exhibitions at Sabine Street Studios, Sawyer Yards, Houston.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Sabra Booth at Ozuna Library, San Antonio
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Sabra Booth: Herbal Traces: Medicinal Plants of South-Central Texas" at the Ozuna Library and Learning Center, in San Antonio.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: “3DTX” at Heidi Vaughan Fine Art, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "3DTX" at Heidi Vaughan Fine Art, Houston.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Tracye Wear at Moody Gallery, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Tracye Wear: From the Garden" at Moody Gallery, Houston.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Delita Martin at Nicole Longnecker Gallery, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Delita Martin: What the Night Knew" at Nicole Longnecker Gallery, Houston.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: “The Fourth Dimension” at Anya Tish Gallery, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "The Fourth Dimension" at Anya Tish Gallery, in Houston.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: “Mami Wata Afrofuturism: 500 Years Back to the [Afro][F]uture” at HMAAC
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition Mami Wata Afrofuturism: 500 Years Back to the [Afro][F]uture at the Houston Museum of African American Culture (HMAAC).
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Cindee Klement and JR Roykovich at Throughline Collective, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Cindee Klement and JR Roykovich: Potentia // Actualitas" at Throughline Collective.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Alexander Squier at Julia Ideson Building, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Alexander Squier: The Houston Brick Archive" at Julia Ideson Building, North Gallery (Houston Public Library Downtown).
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Ziesook You at Dougherty Arts Center, Austin
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Ziesook You: Scent of Austin" at Dougherty Arts Center, Austin.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Madeleine Dietz at Gallery Sonja Roesch, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "Fragments: Earth and Steel" at Gallery Sonja Roesch.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: MANUAL (Ed Hill / Suzanne Bloom) at Moody Gallery, Houston
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition "MANUAL (Ed Hill / Suzanne Bloom): BEECH // BOOK; An Emblematic Pairing at Moody Gallery, Houston.
Five-Minute ToursVideo
Five-Minute Tours: Anthony Sonnenberg at Rockport Center for the Arts
by Glasstireby GlasstireA video tour of the exhibition Anthony Sonnenberg: The State of My Heart at Rockport Center for the Arts.