Artspace111 in Fort Worth currently hosts a varied group show featuring lush water-themed imagery by Carol Ivey, Madeline Irvine, and Deborah Mersky, paired with the contrasting arid landscape photography of Kristin Kirkley.
One of the joys of living in Texas is that the state’s mythology and presence looms so large that it often inspires visiting artists to make works specifically in response to the Lone Star State.
It does what all great sculpture does: it constellates a space and causes a new orbit to begin with it as its center.
La precisión con que acomodan cada chaquira es increíble. Una curadora me dijo que los artesanos huicholes trabajan sin plantillas. Empiezan así nada más, a mano alzada, igual que los grandes músicos de jazz improvisan sobre la escala dórica.
Minor quibbles aside, this series is remarkable for its ambition, rigor and depth.
Personal history, heritage, and cultural practice — combined with an ethical concern for the bio-material — contribute to expanding definitions of bio-art.
No Necessary Time Axis on Evolutionary Novelties: Leigh Anne Lester’s Cut Copies
by Neil Fauersoby Neil FauersoLester uses blind contour — the act of drawing an object without looking at the paper — to physicalize the inherent impossibility of a perfect copy in the propagation of life.
The show allows viewers to consider our shared reality with our neighbors on the other side of the border and, perhaps, to see ourselves from their perspective.
In introducing five new intaglio pieces titled The Kakistocracy Portfolio, Ted Kincaid is moving his art practice into strident new terrain.
There remains compelling early Texas art still undiscovered. The greater art world needs research programs like CASETA.
Höller has used every bit of space, including the building’s rooftop, to place the viewer in an altered state — pleasurable and disturbing at the same time.
Höller ha utilizado todo el espacio, incluida la azotea del edificio, para colocarnos en un estado alterado, placentero y perturbador al mismo tiempo.
The objects on display are less like home goods, and more like insolent props for an unwholesome funhouse.
The intensity of this particular collective experience is hard to convey to someone who wasn’t there.
For a casual observer or pedestrian, the spaces Hegert calls into focus go unseen.
Both shows on view at The MAC spur a dialogue about legacy and misuse of power.
Heinlein’s sculptural objects are like Ellsworth Kellys in space.
"As artists of color it seems like a double responsibility to make your work and to continually respond to racism — it’s exhausting to be always responding to the ills of the status quo."
Ex Ovo is the new curatorial and exhibition project of Dallas native Allison Klion.
For those who prefer their fairy tales on the more discourteous, berserk, or prurient side, Frank's 'Grimm Tales' satisfies.