Today, Veterans Day, we browsed Instagram and Facebook to see how artists are commemorating the holiday through their posts.
Drive By
Drive ByReview
Useless Systems: Robert Jackson Harrington and Hector Hernandez
by Neil Fauersoby Neil FauersoThese pieces are beautiful, dynamic sculptures that activate a lingering disquiet that they should… do something.
ArtsGoggle in Fort Worth regularly hosts close to 1,000 booth exhibitors and more than 60,000 attendees.
Lamb's paintings shine a hard light on the circles she finds herself in, yet without a single trace of snark, malice, or indictment.
After checking in at the lobby, we were asked how many Instagram followers we had, and were given name tags with that number as our identifying labels.
“This and That” is an occasional series of paired observations. -Ed. Today: Fecal Felicity This year marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Slant Step Book, which celebrated…
Having easy answers to the riddle makes it a short riddle.
Some thoughts on two shows I caught during a recent visit to SMU's campus.
The Amon Carter: "The hang aims to be elegant, dynamic and thought provoking, and as a result our artwork is singing in ways it has never done before."
The brainchild of Fort Worth Bon Vivant Michelle Kirk, Mañanaland's quirky half-acre of Texas has delved into its connections with New Orleans, L.A., and Marfa to bring both the queer and the quixotic to Fort Worth.
"How long shall they kill our prophets, while we stand aside and look?" -Bob Marley
Last Friday marked the premiere of a new Houston art experience.
Even at their most lonely, it is comforting to know that places like these still exist.
Fridge’s narrative first feels guttural, of the earth and intuitive, but it also speaks cinematically.
Houston artist Emily Peacock organized a comedy show featuring artists and non-artists alike. Here are a few photos from that event.
Mérida is blindingly bright and colorful, viscerally hot, and endlessly beguiling.
MoMA produced a video that demonstrates how to make a painting in the style of Willem de Kooning.
The extremely posh Menil Drawing Institute closely resembles an extremely posh convenience store on the Princeton campus.
Drive ByReview
The Gallery as the Bar: Amada Miller and Nicholas Frank at Fl!ght Gallery
by Neil Fauersoby Neil FauersoOne can question why alcohol has to be an underpinning of basically all social events, and a recent two-fer show by Amada Miller and Nicholas Frank does just that while creating a fantastic bar at a gallery.
Today: Centers