Alverson's finger-lickingly tactile bricks, bars and tubes and his leaden, gloomy colors invest simple symbols with whole operas of pathos.
Film artist Jodie Mack brings flickering patterns and her personal rock opera to Houston and Austin MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY!
Compared with the lardtastic Tex Mex and barbeque that pervades the rest of our city, Third ward is an oasis of vegan, vegetarian, and other restaurants offering a cornucopia of healthy options.
The artist's human-made randomness is controlled through edits, but Walker isn’t interested in controlling nature. This is a language he’s creating to commune with it.
Art at Halftime, on the iTunes store, and in the galleries: here are three of the thirty-five things I've seen, photographed and made notes on this busy September.
In many ways this show stays the course of what Ball has been exploring for the past few years: quasi-scientific abstractions of the real world that sometimes resolve themselves and other times remain entirely ambiguous.
Luckily at the Hub City’s downtown edge is its Cultural District, and at the heart of it all lies the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts.
Do not attempt this yourselves. These artists are professionals on a closed track.
The Houston Fine Art Fair was beyond terrible. Is this is the real international art world?
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A Thought Experiment (or who knows? perhaps something more) Arising from a Consideration of Ed Kienholz’s Proposed Non-War Memorial (1970) and Other Such Memorials of that Ilk
Those of us who came of age in the ‘80s walk into the show with a sometimes dread-inducing association with that time, but walk out feeling at least a little better about this uneven and unsettling moment in recent art history.
VIDEO: Christie Blizard Mud-Wrestles deKooning in San Antonio
by Wendy Atwellby Wendy AtwellDe Kooning’s corner man was the Grim Reaper and Blizard's was Frosty the Snowman.
So what is the value of a good painting? What the market will bear, I suppose, but also the pleasure it offers to the viewer.
This is real art by real working artists. The populist bent was a considered choice. The show’s remit is simply to represent each region in the nation and be a people pleaser.
The abjectness of the materials evokes a modern-day Robinson Crusoe or the Professor on Gilligan’s Island trying to build low-tech devices out of anything on hand, for sending out an urgent SOS.
The fall art season is cranking up: tasty new shows and events beckon from every side like the nozzles at a frozen yogurt bar —and the gummy worms on top were the 56 booths at this years' early edition of the Texas Contemporary Art Fair.
On the red carpet with the VIP crowd at the George R. Brown Convention Center.
Are you the type to ask an artist: "Can you recommend an art consultant who might know if you’re any good or not?"
It’s nice timing that the MFAH’s “Truffaut: On Childhood” series has arrived on the heels of Richard Linklater’s recent coming-of-age film, Boyhood.
“Getups” by Dennis Nance at Settlement Goods
by Betsy Hueteby Betsy HueteAt the opening, DJ Thin Mint dressed as the Nance-costumed "Yeti" stole the show. It was a “What the hell is going on here?” kind of thing.