Houston’s Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs announced this week the second round of its 2019 Let Creativity Happen! grants. Awarded quarterly to deserving artists and arts organizations across the city, funded by the city’s Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT tax), and administered by the Mayor’s Office and the Houston Arts Alliance, the grants go towards helping support public art, performances, installations, and other creative endeavors in the city. Or, as Paula Newton wrote for Glasstire when the program was established in 2018: “[the Let Creativity Happen! Express Grants] encourage creative risks and collaborations that may not qualify for more traditional funding opportunities.”
While some of this round’s awardees have already been given grants through the program, others are new to the list. For those interested in hearing about projects that have come out of the granting process, the Mayor’s Office is hosting a series of presentations for which awarded artists talk about their work. The next presentation is scheduled for June 11, 2019 from 7-9 PM at the Aurora Picture Show. The next Let Creativity Happen! grant deadline is July 1 at 5:30. To apply, go here.
This round’s grantees include:
B. Lauren, Mercy, a film journal for the tender heart and mind (Film / Photography)
Carolina Borja, Zipper Merging your ducks in my row (Sculptural Installation)
Cressandra Thibodeaux, Folk Songs of My Father (Multidisciplinary Arts)
Cuyler Ballenger, 2 Cards (Film / Video Art / Performance)
Dance Houston, Hey There (Dance)
David Politzer, Power Suit (Performance)
Dennis Nance, Summer Casual – Exhibition and Auxiliary Programming at the Wedge Space at HCC Southeast (Visual Art)
Elisabeth Swim, The Secret Choir: The Rehearsal IS the Performance (Music)
Emily Sloan, Recreational Aesthetics (Studio and Social Practice)
Finca Tres Robles, Finca Tres Robles – Mural (Visual Arts)
Jeanette Joy Harris, Performance Art Immersive Workshop with Guest Artist and Interdisciplinary Political Philosophy Conference (Performance Art and Academic Scholarship)
Jerry “Brian” Ellison, Unmaskulinity project (Photography / Cinematography)
Josie Pickens, The Love No Limit Show with Josie Pickens (Writer, Speaker, Radio Host)
Julia Claire Wallace, Performance Art on Instagram (Performance Artist, Organizer, Arts Administrator)
Krista Birnbaum, The Trek (Public Art / Community Engagement)
Michael Golden, Fantastical Birding Tour of Houston (Visual Arts)
Michele Brangwen Dance Ensemble, Dancing The Blue Hour (Contemporary dance to live original music)
Musically Inclined: A Fine Arts Company, Garden City Music Festival (Music)
Robert D Jackson, In Their Words: Student Voices on Education, Activism and Opportunity (Documentary Filmmaking / Theater)
Silambam Houston, YUVA 2019 (Dance, Music, Theater)
TEATRX – A Latinx Theatre Company, La Vida Es Cortos / Life Is Shorts Festival (Theatre and Film)
Texas Johnny Boy, “Junk On My Street” (Music & Visual Arts)