Although the curators say this particular exhibit of the Medianale isn’t theme-driven, I noticed a couple of common threads between videos including a riff on the idea of call-and-response music, and re-interpretations of previous iconic videos/films, which is a take on call and response in itself.
The pièce de résistance of the Outdoor Art Exhibit in Eastland, Texas, is a 12-foot-tall cylinder painted to resemble one of Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans located in the parking lot of the Dairy Queen.
The artwork is semi-interesting. We can get a decent overview of the current state of abstract art being produced in Texas, and it’s not awe-inspiring.
Rainey and Christina discuss this week's top 5 art events in Texas while touring the Jeff Gibbons/Jesse Morgan Barnett shows at Goss-Michael Foundation in Dallas.
In the studio, Lanfear's collections of objects become the raw material for artworks that evolve through an intuitive process of finding creative avenues for their arrangement and presentation.
Mary Walling Blackburn: ♂ Anti-Fertility Garden at Sala Diaz, San Antonio
by Risa Puleoby Risa PuleoA humble pornography of micro-penises, Andrew Wyeth’s The Clearing, platinum scans of a vagina, and a small coffin frosted in chocolate.
With many Lake|Flato buildings, a principled range of materials — stone, steel, concrete, wood — are recruited to create airy, boxy forms that provide unambiguous continuity between outside and in.
Rainey Knudson interviews the crowd at the opening of Ed Wilson: A Survey, at the Art League Houston. Visitors comment on Wilson's work, the Houston art scene, and the ongoing controversy.
BlogGlasstireOp Ed
Houston First Corporation: George R. Brown Convention Center Request for Qualifications for Exterior Commission (Phase 2)
Houston area artists, artist-led teams and team members are strongly encouraged to apply.
On the whole the show is about different kinds of identity, from mind to body to culture.
Rainey, Christina and Bill all together at the Glasstire office in Baltimore to discuss some of the week's most intriguing art events.
This week, film artist Roger Beebe is touring Texas with his multiple–projector presentation, Films For One To Eight Projectors, with stops in Houston, Austin, and Dallas.
If Olafur Eliason proposed Monet on Ice to the MFAH, it would have been done right. visitors would skate down a virtual frozen Seine, winding through the galleries past real paintings.
Houston artists Nohelia Vargas Bolivar and Liza Littlefield have asked that their work be removed from Houston City Hall as a show of solidarity with artist Ed Wilson, who was…
Well, it certainly has been a busy week at the Dallas Contemporary. First, it announced the addition of two new curators to its staff; then the much-anticipated, five-years-in-the-making, take-over-the-entire-gallery-space exhibition…
For Loris Gréaud's show at the Dallas Contemporary, is the destruction of the work meant to be our release from all that industry? If so, I might have welcomed more destruction and less burden.
Serendipity, or something more?
Bill and Rainey wag the Chin in Houston, while Christina Rees reports on sheep butchering videos in Dallas and the mysterious, big-budget Gréaud spectacle.
Caitlin G McCollom: Why is your promo almost content-free? Free Beer: There is a pile of content, just no context. Yet.
An empty office building in midtown Houston is the last place for a spiritual awakening.