Hannah Dean habla de cómo saber si te quieren estafar y robar tu arte (o tu dinero).
Op Ed
Op EdReview
Dead Edges and Open Wounds: Considering “The Border is a Weapon/ Frontera es un Arma,” Curated by Gil Rocha
by Ricky Yanasby Ricky YanasPhiladelphia based artist and writer Ricky Yanas reviews "Border is a Weapon," a group exhibition about the U.S.-Mexico border.
“Caminar, en particular andar sin rumbo o dar un paseo, ya es—con la cultura de la velocidad de nuestros tiempos—un tipo de resistencia… un método bastante inmediato para desenvolver las historias.”
A comic by Houston-based artist John Forse.
Tiny Target, thanks for the memories.
Bad-faith readings of other people’s intentions are built into their thinking.
This is my last week here, and I will miss it.
You can see some of John Forse’s other comics by visiting his Glasstire author page.
An art world doesn't even exist unless there are artists working at many levels of exposure and experience.
Keep the party, lose the war.
War is hell, as artists are always here to remind us.
What separates a great movie from a great TV series? Anything? I believe something does.
With the racial reckoning that seems to be emerging, artists are doing their part, as they always have, being the polished mirror in which society must look, and hopefully find the truth staring back.
I took my first art class, and now it’s almost as if long-dead artists were making their works before my eyes.
We are divided people — divided from one another, and ourselves.
A comic by Texas artist John Forse.
These stories are necessary. They direct a lens at reality in way that helps us all see each other more clearly.
We need to radically rethink the ways in which culture is funded, and this essay contains an idea for that.
Our list ranges from artists whose works are represented in multiple national and international museums and collections, to mid-career artists, to emerging artists — some with their first couple of exhibitions in the past year.
Her classes made art feel like a world full of possibilities — a new language through which one can discover herself.