The central themes of the show are shimmering and elusive, like sunlight on a river.
Neil Fauerso
Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Martha Wilson, and Heyd Fontenot at Artpace
by Neil Fauersoby Neil FauersoTaken together, the three solo shows are concerned with performance. You may never stop acting, but sometimes you can see the stage.
Zhang has an effortless fluency with surrealism; his humor and creativity collide into a frisson of dark wonder.
Casas' work is an expansive and fluid vision — an enduring aesthetic of Chicano art while challenging what exactly that meant when Casas was alive, and what it could be going forward.
Jimmy James Canales’ playful and brilliant show cleverly finds the patterned bridge of the vanity of male fantasia.
There is something righteous in looking at the grotesque hellscape of our world, feeling disgusted, and then making something beautiful.
Perhaps we in Texas can learn from Germany in this dark time.
The photos are simultaneously stark and ecstatic, and the printing process gives them an embossed tactility.
Kubo’s process articulates the idea that the objects of our environments have an ambient energy.
I wonder if all the cities the people of my generation have dreamed of leaving could become some of the only places in the encroaching neoliberal thunderglobe where one could have the leisure to dream.
It is interesting when artists find some thread in a work of pop culture and yank it out and sew it into the center point of their own mandelas
Over the last 15 years, I've been constructing a “cult scale” — a ranking system to define the fanaticisms of the world. I present it for your enjoyment and handy use.
A Day in the Mahatma Gandhi District: A Proposal for a Future of “Sprawlsteading”
by Neil Fauersoby Neil FauersoHouston personifies both the grim reality of sprawl retail and its possible salvation. There is no reason suburbs and sprawl have to suck.
‘Rebel, Jester, Mystic, Poet: Contemporary Persians’ at the MFAH
by Neil Fauersoby Neil FauersoThis is a deeply emotional and visual show, with some pieces that stop one in awe.
" on the watch for the interval, the place where you are given a choice and a chance to add goodness to the world.”
How to make art in this operatic ambience and grim reality of actual deportations, bombings, and general governmental reactionary cruelty?
I did feel a pang of longing looking at this show despite the latticed dread it conjured.
The sleepy bayou town of Orange is home to perhaps the best Western Art Museum in the country, and the reason I traveled there with my dad to see its current dazzling show.
One of the best things a super-rich person can do is turn their mansion into a museum when they die.
Our second Civil War would be fought over the removal of monuments to the first Civil War.