Biczel's work has focused on how migration and social justice movements influence Latin American experimental art.
Christopher Blay
“I don’t know if it’s some kind of weird time warp or something, but I feel like I run into different versions of myself at different stages.”
For the month of May, Houston's Asia Society Texas Center has announced a lineup of programs and activities to commemorate the annual celebration.
Leigh's ten-foot tall bronze sculpture will be unveiled on July 15, 2021.
Van de Moortel has been the Associate Conservator for Paintings at the Kimbell since 2017, before which he was a paintings conservation fellow at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
The 2022 FotoFest will have three co-curators, and its renowned portfolio review program will be back in full swing.
"We are excited to begin expanding the scale of our practice with a multi-channel film/video installation and character-driven performances."
Although not created for Earth Day, the following works both celebrate and offer glimpses of the the sublime and sobering reality of this third rock from the sun.
Funds totaling $54,000 were awarded to seven Bexar County artists.
The exhibition is described as "a showcase of the history and culture of African American history that is intertwined into the fabric of this country’s DNA."
Moore states that City of Fort Worth District Superintendent Michael Tovar has asked him to stop painting the murals.
In a Texas twist to the story, D Magazine previously reported that the painting was almost purchased by the Dallas Museum of Art.
“I moved to Seattle! And the thing about Seattle is that it is the emerald city, in an evergreen state. And so you can't be there and not focus on plant life.”
"It changed our wider art community, and it changed us." - Carol Ivey
In total, 27 grants were awarded to artists, cultural workers and organizations.
Founded by Alka Bhanot and Tripti Bhatnagar, IMFF showcases "culturally diverse and socially relevant independent films from South Asian countries."
The Dallas Contemporary is facing community backlash after terminating two staffers.
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, which ranks 51 on the list of 100-most visited international museums, saw 401, 395 visitors in 2020, and was closed for 87 days due to the pandemic.
"Turtles About Town" is a community art project that showcases the City of Galveston and the conservation efforts of nonprofit Turtle Island Restoration Network.
“We see this monolithic idea of what the world thinks is Blackness, but we know that the Black experience is whatever the Black person has. That’s the Black experience. And that’s the individual experience.”