The Dallas Invitational has announced the 14 galleries that will be exhibiting at its 2024 art fair this spring.
Last year, James Cope, a former director of the Goss-Michael Foundation who currently runs AND NOW gallery, launched the Dallas Invitational as a satellite event to the established Dallas Art Fair. He was inspired by the Gramercy International Art Fair, now known as the Armory Show, to showcase artworks inside guest rooms throughout a hotel.
Both the Dallas Art Fair and the Dallas Invitational will take place during the first weekend of April, though the invitational will be one day shorter. Each fair will begin on Thursday, April 4, and the invitational will run through Saturday, April 6. While the Dallas Art Fair’s hours adjust across the various days, the Dallas Invitational will be open each day from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
While some of this year’s participating galleries were part of the inaugural Invitational last year, others are new to the event, including a few spaces, like Night Gallery and Various Small Fires, that previously exhibited at the Dallas Art Fair. Many of the galleries are based in New York, Los Angeles, or overseas; only two participating galleries have locations in Dallas. See the full list of exhibitors below.
The Dallas Invitational will be free and open to the public and will again be hosted at the Fairmont Hotel (1717 N. Akard Street), across the street from the Dallas Art Fair at the Fashion Industry Gallery. Learn more about the fair via the Invitational’s website.
2024 Participating Galleries Include:
AND NOW (Dallas)
The Approach (London)
Bel Ami (Los Angeles)
Bureau (New York)
C L E A R I N G (New York, Brussels)
James Fuentes (New York, Los Angeles)
Francois Ghebaly (Los Angeles, New York)
Hannah Hoffman (Los Angeles)
Francis Irv (New York)
JENNY’S (New York)
LOMEX (New York)
Night Gallery (Los Angeles)
Vardaxoglou Gallery (London)
Various Small Fires (Los Angeles, Dallas, Seoul)