Note: the following is part of Glasstire’s series of short videos, Five-Minute Tours, for which commercial galleries, museums, nonprofits and artist-run spaces across the state of Texas send us video walk-throughs of their current exhibitions. This will continue while the coronavirus situation hinders public access to exhibitions. Let’s get your show in front of an audience.
See other Five-Minute Tours here.
Colby Deal, Skip Hill, and Angela Faz: Congregate at Kinfolk House, Fort Worth. Dates: June 4 – July 30, 2022.
Via Kinfolk House:
“In March 2020, the world was thrown into a global pandemic which resulted in the shutting down of workspaces and gathering places sending many into isolation as we hunkered down for an unknown amount of time to keep each other and ourselves safe. As the pandemic wore on, people stayed connected, reconnected, and made new connections through technology and social media. While COVID-19 still poses a threat, we are finding ways to safely be together in-person once more.
Featuring work by Skip Hill, Colby Deal, and Angela Faz, Congregate aims to investigate the complexity of community, culture, and isolation. Reflecting on the last two years, some questions these artists considered through this project are:
-What makes a community? Is it bound by physical borders, unique experiences, common values?
-What happens when community is lost, removed, or abandoned?
-What are the joys and the struggles of being a part of a community and/or trying to keep one together?
-How might being a part of a community inform or change who we are as individuals?”