Letitia and Sedrick Huckaby declare: End Racism Now! on Fort Worth’s Main Street.
Note: This article has been updated to show three additional pictures from Saturday, June 27, 2020.

Artists Letitia Huckaby, left, and Sedrick Huckaby pose by their temporary street painting downtown Fort Worth, July 27, 2020. Photo Credit, Adam Werner.
North Texas-based artists and married couple Letitia and Sedrick Huckaby, of Huckaby Studios, want to END RACISM NOW. As a start, they are painting those words in bold letters on the 800 block of Fort Worth’s Main Street. The project was the brainchild of Deborah Peoples, who ran for Mayor of the City of Fort Worth last May, falling short of winning the election. Peoples stated on her Facebook page that she paid for the permit to block off the street for painting, and that the cost of paint and supplies were covered by donations from the community.

Volunteers paint their signatures onto Sedrick and Letitia Huckaby’s temporary street painting downtown Fort Worth, July 27, 2020. Photo Credit, Adam Werner.

Letitia Huckaby, right, and a volunteer prepare to paint END RACISM NOW on the 800 block of Main Street Fort Worth, June 26, 2020.
“We are in the middle of a very pivotal moment. It is a time where we can re-examine our national priorities, and [this project] is a way of creatively inviting people to join,” says Sedrick Huckaby, as reported by Fort Worth’s NBC5.

Painting continues on the street sign by artists Sedrick and Letitia Huckaby, June 26, 2020. Via Fort Worth Public Art

Sedrick Huckaby, left, and his son paint END RACISM NOW in downtown Fort Worth, June 26, 2020.

Volunteers begin painting END RACISM NOW, with the Tarrant County Courthouse in the background, June 26, 2020.

Letitia Huckaby and a volunteer paint END RACISM NOW, June 26, 2020.

Deborah Peoples, orgainzer of the END RACISM NOW street painting by Sedrick and Letitia Huckaby, June 27, 2020-Via Arts Council of Fort Worth.

Volunteers cool in the shade after a full day preparing and painting.

More volunteers paint their signatures onto Sedrick and Letitia Huckaby’s temporary street painting downtown Fort Worth, July 27, 2020. Photo Credit, Adam Werner.
1 comment
Great project, great photos; thanks!