Houston Art Scene Gears Up for Love Day

by Paula Newton February 11, 2015


However one celebrates Valentine’s Day may or may not be a private affair (and may consist of grumpily ignoring the entire day). Whatever you do on February 14th is fine, but here is a great itinerary for pre-V-Day Thursday (Feb 12) for Houston art scenesters:

The Art Guys’ “Tunnel of Love” at One Allen Center (starts 11:45am)
Who knows what this is, but the Guys describe it as “the ultimate interactive site-specific installation phenomenon.” There are very few details except that it “encapsulates everything that everyone has ever experienced or will ever experience.” Commissioned by Arts Brookfield (tagline: “Art Set Free”), the exhibition has inspired Houstonia magazine to pen the recent silly article “The Art Guys Sell Out (Again).” Silly because “selling out” has kind of been built into the fabric of the Art Guys mission from the get-go. Whatever Galbreth’s and Massing’s political leanings are, the Art Guys have never presented as anti-corporate ranters. They leave their apolitical goofiness up to interpretation (perhaps to a fault, as they never took responsibility for many people’s interpretation of The Art Guys Marry a Tree, which Houstonia magazine called “ill-conceived and ill-fated,” hence the “(Again)” of the article title). But the tree project was, at heart, a romantic one. And despite the fact that “Tunnel of Love” was commissioned by a Canadian asset management company and installed in One Allen Center, it’s about LOVE and it’s free.

My Funny Valentine at Avis Frank Gallery (11am-7pm)
All day Thursday and Friday, Avis Frank Emporium will be hosting a Valentine’s Day spectacular with locally produced cards, gifts and art. They will have all sorts of weird and original love gifts, which they will wrap for you while you sip on some champagne!

acrocatsThe Amazing Acrocats featuring Tuna and the Rock Cats at FrenetiCore Theatre (8pm, $19)
Okay, it’s not really about Valentine’s Day; it’s not visual art; it’s not local; and it’s not free. But the Acrocats are in town!!! The one-hour show features over a dozen fabulous felines (all former orphans, rescues, and strays) walking tightropes, pushing carts, skateboarding, jumping through hoops, ringing bells, balancing on balls and turning on lights. The Rock Cats, the only known all-cat band, will perform. It’s the ultimate date night!

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