This show echoes the vacillation between release and restraint inherent in the experience of grief, and the sense of both empathy and detachment as we encounter the grief of others.
Art League Houston
Every now and then, we notice trends in job openings across Texas. About a year ago, multiple organizations in Houston were in need of an executive director, and just last…
Michael Peranteau, director of Art League Houston since 2012, has announced that he is stepping down in May 2017. Glasstire spoke with Peranteau on his five eventful years at the…
Rainey Knudson and Christina Rees on the wisdom of a nonagenarian artist, the first show at the DMA we’ve been psyched about in a while, and the lure of artists being intentionally opaque.
Spring Preview! Rainey Knudson, Brandon Zech, and Christina Rees run down our top picks in Texas for the coming months.
ALH Artists Inspire Latest Version of Debtfair at Whitney Biennial
by Paula Newtonby Paula NewtonAs reported by Glasstire a couple of weeks ago in “Names Familiar to Texas Will be in 2017 Whitney Biennial,” Occupy Museum’s Debtfair was included in its list because Art…
Deadlines are fast approaching for many open calls in Texas and beyond. Here are just a few to work on this weekend: Deadline: November 13, 2016 at 10:59PM New York-based magazine…
Beginning Sunday, October 23 in Houston, artist Jesse Lott will present a series of demonstrations and workshops showcasing his process of creating sculptures using found and industrial materials. These events are part…
Rainey Knudson and Brandon Zech on competing art fairs, a woefully overlooked artist, and an Artists Anonymous (AA) meeting this weekend. 1. Dorothy Hood: The Color of Being / El…
Art League Houston recently announced their 2016 fall call for proposals. Open calls for ALH are put out twice a year—this round’s deadline is November 30, 2016. All submissions will be…
In order to accept any of the projects and proposals in McFadden's presentation you must first accept the premise that artists deserve to make a living making art. They don't.
The Art League Houston (ALH) established its Texas Artist of the Year award in 1983 and, to date, thirty-one artists have been honored. This year, Houston painter Terrell James will…
The shows: Margaret Meehan: And She Was, Shannon Duncan and Delaney Smith: It Will All Come out in the Wash, K. Yoland: Land || Border || Other, The Kenmore: The Slow Game by Sebastien…
Last Sunday, Art League Houston announced that the 2016 Charge Grant awardees are Houston artists Autumn Knight and Monica Villarreal, for their project Made of Star Stuff: A Documentary Mapping Women Creatives…
"Do you feel like you're seeing a lot of dry, conceptual work right now?" "Yes, I feel very oppressed by that."
Not only are Texas galleries and museums in the midst of a plethora of post-holiday exhibition openings, there are also some fantastic upcoming art talks. Here are a few that…
Even as our work is used to beautify a city, supplement an industry, provide content for an institution, or convey an idea that shifts our world – the voices of…
"If there’s not someone in a giant cockroach costume reading Kafka, I’ll be disappointed."
Does the pressure of your debts distract you from your daily work? Has the pressure of your debts ever caused you to consider getting drunk? Do you justify your debts…
Art League Houston (ALH) seems to have caught the socialist fever. For its upcoming exhibition, Debtfair, ALH and Occupy Museums invite artists to submit original artwork to be collected through…