In response to cries of "foul!" from artists, the public, and their own Civic Art Committee, Houston Art Alliance has has posted an outline of its public art selection procedures on its website. It's as clear as mud.
Full of large beauties and tiny subtleties; the show is as much about the anxiety of extinction and the fragility of our world as it is about the parallels humans with honeybees.
Bill and Rainey search their memories for an unscientific catalog of trends in Texas art in the past year, and argue about the vileness of Richard Phillips. (NSFW!)
The idea that pattern recognition is not solely an aspect of visual interpretation but also of experiential sorting—and that these two are operated by the same mechanism in 40Hz—pushes Kantor’s theme onto a much larger stage than simple illusory fun.
This guy is red and yellow stripes. That one is gray brickwork. Little realist one-act plays set in the familiar world of our safe, middle-class society.
Don’t let the formality of the titles fool you. The films are filled with dark humor and the messiness of everyday lives.
Two guys redoing old Art Guys performances, except they’re black! What does it mean to be constantly carrying a pile of other peoples’ assumptions on one’s shoulders?
Wires cross, sleeping dogs lie, graffiti-abused alleys and a lonely seascape beckon you into the world of Palermo.
Fraleigh is interested in in the subtle moments that nevertheless fuel sexuality: of wanting to control, of wanting to be controlled, of rapture, and of surrender.
As expected, Fischl spoke of his intent to make “Bad” sexually inappropriate paintings with a capital B. But more surprising was his continued passionate admission to being at heart an Abstract Expressionist.
BlogEssayGlasstireOp Ed
The Long Slow Death of Kim Jong-un Vs. The Death of Comedy As We Know It: A Proposal
I am prepared to sit through thousands of good-to-terrible Kim Jong-un jokes for a year just to make a point.
Art and art-like objects offer a flurry of year-end holiday bliss at venues across Texas. Go buy some art!
Houston artists Troy Stanley and Tracey Conwell stood up before City Council and Houston Mayor Annise Parker on Tuesday to tell them something's wrong with the Houston Arts Alliance.
Emptiness and woe in some of the pictures are invested with a poetic force and certain street scenes emit and reflect light like visionary theater settings.
Last Thursday, three hundred people, Santa, and I gathered in the shadow of the Sabine St. Lofts in Houston, absorbing free beer, many smores, and a little hot chocolate as we waited to begin the Unsilent Night. Tonight, it's Austin's turn.
West Texas weather is the crazy doorman to Amarillo Ramp, and no one is on the list.
BlogEssayGlasstireOp Ed
I wonder if this is the worst time to be an artist in decades, or maybe ever.
I don’t think what’s going on out there is really art anymore, anyway. It’s showbiz. And most artists aren’t born with a disposition to play that game.
Video: Ex-Texan Paul Slocum answers Glasstire's questions about post-internet art, Spirit Surfers, and his gallery's chapter in Mass Effect: Art and the Internet in the Twenty-First Century.
In the same way that Kentridge’s lines don’t completely disappear as his drawings progress: even though Apartheid is ended, the tension and strife remains, both in memory and in daily life.
BlogGlasstirePhoto Essay
The Almost-Complete List of Texas Holiday Arts and Crafts Fairs
by Paula Newtonby Paula NewtonHoliday shoppers, rejoice! No need to regret skipping Cyber Monday or fighting huge malls when there are tons of fairs and markets offering handmade items from artists, artisans, and other…