Seeing an exhibition of Fogel's work in person was like meeting someone I’ve been unfairly kept from for all my years of looking at art.
Christina Rees
Christina Rees
Christina Rees was the Senior Texas Editor at Glasstire from 2014-2017, and Editor-in-Chief at Glasstire from 2017-2021. In the past, she's served as an editor at The Met and D Magazine, as the full-time art columnist at the Dallas Observer, and has contributed art, film, and music criticism to the Village Voice, the Dallas Morning News, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and other publications. Rees was the owner and director of Road Agent gallery in Dallas for three years before serving as curator of Fort Worth Contemporary Arts from 2009 to 2013. Prior to joining Glasstire as an editor in July 2014, she was a frequent Glasstire contributor, and continues to write for other publications such as BLAU and Artdesk. Rees is a recent recipient of the inaugural Rabkin Prize, a national $50k award for outstanding arts writing. She’s currently based in Dallas.
This week's column is a podcast of me urging you to watch Bruce Conner's 1966 experimental short film Breakway.
Generation X has been showing its age for a while now. This manifests, predictably, with a “kids these days” attitude towards Millennials.
The gorilla is perfect for receiving projected emotions and expectations from anyone: comedy, sadness, contemplation, trauma, loneliness, the moment of entering self-consciousness.
The online images were haunting enough to get me in my car for the six-hour drive up into the Panhandle to see these paintings in person.
Nowadays showing one’s real ambition—sincere, grand ambiton—is a terrifying proposition.
These are all, for me, very listenable songs, and perhaps ideal for a car trip or flight on your way to a museum show or art-friendly city, or a wander through a museum or gallery.
In Spheeris’ documentary you can see that the kids are our doomed canaries, as you realize that things are not only no better now, but actually worse.
Five years ago, seven years ago, some of us were trying to persuade artists in other more expensive places to move to Texas because it was affordable. But I can’t say that to people in good faith anymore.
The video is a nightmare. It will ruin your day, and you can count yourself lucky that that’s the worst it can do.
Famous street artist Shepard Fairey (and creator of the iconic Obama “Hope” campaign poster) visited Detroit last month to paint the largest mural in his career — commissioned for the…
Jules Buck Jones comes off a bit like a wild child. Formality doesn’t interest him. It’s easier to picture him perched in the canopy of a forest than standing on the concrete floor of a white-cube gallery.
UPDATE June 29: The location of this planned mural and the date of its installation have changed. For info go here. (Via Sharon Grigsby at the Dallas Morning News)…
The Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts will offer a free clinic in Houston on June 30 for Texas-based artists and arts-related non-profits; people can meet one-on-one with volunteer legal professionals who…
For some music news on your Saturday: Guy Clark was one of five acts inducted to the Austin City Limits Hall of Fame on Thursday night, but instead of enjoying…
Lawndale Art Center in Houston has announced the three artists who will participate in the tenth round of its Lawndale Artist Studio Program: Bradly Brown, Cobra McVey and Anthony Sonnenberg. The three begin their…
Rachel Cook, associate curator of DiverseWorks in Houston, has been named as one of four national recipients of the Spring 2015 curatorial fellowship granted by the Andy Warhol Foundation. The foundation has…
When does a young adult’s anti-intellectualism morph into something that it smells more like cynical political maneuvering?
Vernon Fisher, artist and pillar of the Texas scene (and based in Fort Worth) has a retrospective opening at Mark Moore Gallery in Los Angeles on June 18. Fisher’s work…
Holly Johnson Gallery in Dallas has of course employed interns since it opened in 2005, and they were and are most often photography BFAs at the University of North Texas and…