SpeedBump Art Tour Returns to Dallas

by Brandon Zech May 14, 2019

speedbump art tour in Dallas Texas

If you’re in Dallas, you know that whenever mid-May rolls around it’s time for the annual Visual SpeedBump Art Tour. Spanning two neighborhoods — Oak Cliff and the West Dallas Tin District — the tour, which was established in 2000, bills itself as “the longest running and most exciting Art Tour in all of Oak Cliff.” This year’s tour is scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2019, from 12-6 PM.

This southwest neighborhood of Dallas has long been a hub for creatives, akin to the Montrose area in Houston. The annual SpeedBump tour presents the area’s artists, and features open studios and open houses hosting performances, exhibitions, and more.

The 2019 tour features 20 stops. In addition to stalwarts like Chuck & George, Like Sour Grapes, and Deadbolt Studios, the event includes a few newcomers: Oak Cliff Pottery, Jonathan Molina-Garcia and Krista Chalkey, and others.

Dallas Texas speedbump tour artist Ricardo Paniagua

Ricardo Paniagua

Running concurrently with the Speedbump tour is the 2019 Temporary Collectives exhibition, which features works by 32 graduate students from North Texas-area universities. The first run at this year’s iteration of the show was shut down by the city’s Fire Marshal back in April. The exhibition will be on view during Speedbump from 4-7 PM. [Update May 16, 2019: the Temporary Collectives show has again been shut down, due to the venue not being up to code.]

See below for a full list of SpeedBump 2019 participating artists and spaces. For a map of the event, and for more information, go here.

Participating artists and spaces include:
Chuck & George
Lisette Chavez
Gillian Bradshaw-Smith
Jessica Beatty
Anna Meyer
Aza Smithg
Kelly Cheek & Brett Aridoin (Take it Easy Studio)
Ricardo Paniagua
Angela Faz
Zeke Williams
Paul Winker
Jessie Moncrief
Andrea Tosten
Ann Chisholm
Rachel Hoehn
Lodge no44holm
Elizabeth Mellott
Mighty Fine Arts
Erica Stephens
Erica Felicella
Jonathan Molina-Garcia
Kim Cadmus Owens
Lily Smith-Kirkley
Krista Chalkley
Iris Bechtol
Brennen Bechtol
Oil and Cotton
Scott Winterrowd
Andrea Guay
Djay Chung
Elizabeth Wilson
David Klucsarits
April Henegar
Francene Christianson
Rob Conover
Sunset Studios
Sara Cardona
Rachel Muldez and Art Garcia Studios
Temporary Collectives Exhibition
and others

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