San Antonio is one of the cities that celebrate World Art Drop Day, organized through the Southwest School of Art. Now in its fourth year, Art Drop Day takes place on the first Tuesday of September. This year, that means tomorrow, September 5.
Artists, students, and community members are invited to participate by dropping off pieces of art all around San Antonio and then posting clues on Facebook and Instagram to allow anyone following to find and claim the free art. Last year, 1100 San Antonians participated.
Here is how to play:
- Stop by the Southwest School of Art and pick up a World Art Drop Day tag.
- Create a piece of art and hide it somewhere around town.
- Take a photo of the art in its hiding spot.
- Post the image, the city you dropped it in, and a hint on social media. Be sure to use this year’s hashtags #ssaartdrop2017 and #artdropday.
- Then move on, hoping someone finds it!