This just in: Dallas artist Winston Lee Mascarenhas has won the $50,000 2014 Hunting Prize! Mascarenhas’s painting Rite of Spring was selected from 115 finalists.
Mascarenhas was born in Laredo, TX in 1952 and now lives and works in Dallas. As well as being an artist, represented by Wade Wilson Art Houston/Santa Fe, Mascarenhas is an anesthesiologist.

The 2014 Hunting Prize winner, “Rite of Spring,” beeswax, resin and pigment on panel, by Winston Lee Mascarenhas
Does he use his paintings to put people to sleep?
Look into my eyes!!
Public taste runs about 100 years behind the times, so we are moving up the historical time-line to Art Deco and Arts & Crafts movement. THP, while an ‘art’ show, is a public display by public folks with money to spend. Looks like Arthur Dow and his design work is right on schedule. Look for proud work-ethic farmers and lollipop trees in the future.
Bill, really. There are “other” means of expression and sense-of-purpose.
You do know how to hit below the belt with such cogent authority.
That was a good one, BD.
I wonder what kind of vacation this doctor will go on with his $50k?
Only three comments? I expected much more grousing by now.
I am sorry, I started typing a snarky response, but fell asleepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. OOps I did it again.
Yes, Beth, you were as snarky as desired.
It’s so unattractive being a whiny art bitch.
While everyone has their own opinions about what is good art, it is unreasonable and inconsiderate to judge the winner of any art competition based on if you like the work or not or on your supposition of who the artist is or his or her background. In this case, the only opinions that matter as far as this award is concerned is the jurors and this year they choose a work that they feel worthy. The Hunting Art Prize isn’t a popularity contest. End of discussion.
The gousers can take solace in that Dr. Mascarenhas can no longer compete in this event and that they have an entire year to get back into the studio and create something that will compete for next years prize.
Respectfully, Marshall K. Harris
Well said Mr. Harris
Thank You Mr. Harris for putting a little perspective back into the above sore loser’s comments.
Thank you Mr. Harris for your statement. Every winner has its detractors.
What a CRUEL JOKE, this “painting.” What a slap in the face to the many “real” artists there who are truly gifted and put an enormous amount of work into their entries. Why don’t we cut the bulls%^t and just admit it: this “painting”, if you have the audacity to even call it a painting, is mundane in every possible way, shows no apparent artistic talent, even creativity, WHATSOEVER. Obviously this guy is in with the art clique–which is just a bunch of extremely self centered pretentious posers who know they do not have an ounce of artistic talent and never will. They spend all their time at social gatherings talking about themselves and kissing any ass that can help further their infantile fantasies of being an artist, while real artists spend all their time working in their studios. I really don’t know why it is so important for these people to pose as artists.
I’m guessing that you are young and the idea of winning or losing with dignity and humility is a concept that yet escapes you. When you are called upon to be a curator or Jurist you can then voice your predispositions and prejudices about what is worth while art. Until then, unles you are freakin Rembrandt, you might want to be a little more informed and a little less opinionated. Oh, and by the way, socializing with collectors and art patrons is not ass kissing. It’s called doing business. But that is just my opinion.
Who were the judges? Without even knowing anything about them I can GUARANTEE you that their work is exactly like his, probably even worse–completely void of any apparent talent. I’ve seen it a hundred times. Show me their work, I would love for you to prove me wrong. Unfortunately modern art is like everything else in today’s world-completely upside down. When ‘fine’ art is reduced to a white canvas with a pink spot or a simple mundane gray canvas with some ‘interesting texture’ (a turd has interesting texture)there is something seriously wrong with our society. We live an an age of instant gratification when everything is cheesed down to the lowest common denominator. Its a hell of a lot easier to create inferior work with no artistic merit whatsoever and stick a pretentious title on it than to spend years busting their asses to develop talent that they completely lack anyway. Hell, some of the titles these posers come up with obviously took far more time, effort and imagination than the actual work itself. It’s pathetic. I’m so glad you mentioned Rembrandt, can anyone here say with a straight face that if Rembrandt saw the ridiculous idiot pieces that pass for fine art these days that he wouldn’t say, ‘you people have completely lost your f*&^%$# minds’? I’m not an artist just a life long collector with an art history background who loves great art. Again, my condolences to all the great artists who thought they were entering a contest judged by competent “professionals”. What a laugh. Obviously the art world is as corrupt as everything else in our society and why wouldn’t it be? So, yes, by all means lets see what kind of idiot pieces these ‘professional’ jurors are doing. This page contains the jurors info, and was announced in November 2013 for the 2014 competition.
“Marie Bosarge, Art Collector and Founder of Music Doing Good, Inc., a nonprofit arts organization in Houston, Texas.”
Marie Bosarge is a philanthropist and art collector in Houston.
“Leila Cartier, Director of Exhibitions and Curator at the William King Museum in Abingdon, Virginia.”
Cartier’s portfolio can be seen here: She works in paint and collage.
“Stephen Wicks, Barbara W. and Bernard E. Bernstein Curator at the Knoxville Museum of Art in Tennessee.”
I was able to find a bio on Wicks here: Just scroll down a bit. He’s the second one.
I don’t see anyone who works just like the winner on this panel.
Thank you, Allison, a post very much needed from the “sound” of the grousing. Why do artist bother to enter these “competitions” as they are always a crap-shoot. Being a juror is no picnic and the selections for one day would not necessarily be the selection on another day. Give it rest whiners.
Unfortunately the ugly side of humanity comes out when somebody else takes the prize. I have personally known the recipient of this year’s award for many years and can tell you that he is far from “connected” with any art clique. He’s honest, creative, hard-working and dedicated to his trade. While this art may not personally appeal to you, it apparently is at the level that these jurors found exceptional. But to be fair to those who feel they were overlooked this year and previous years, the comments are entertaining…it is oddly amusing when people display their ignorance. Let’s hear more….
Yes, anyone who can’t possibly fathom the brilliance of this work is….ignorant. Talk about oddly amusing. Your post is about as pseudointellectual as your friend’s work. Get over yourself.
Exactly what is it you’re struggling with, bitter woman? If this how you approach life, then good luck.
Suz, your use of the word fathom is brilliant
Wow. What a bunch of sore losers. Most artists have other jobs. This is an artist with significant representation who’s doing good work. Reductive painting requires dedicated viewing. I guess it’s hard to look and complain at the same time.
The only relevance is the merit of the work, like it or leave it, and that can and should be debated. How the guy pays his rent, or pays for his boat, if that’s the case, has nothing to do with it.
I find it quiet and beautiful. If I ever need an anesthesiologist I’d go to the good doc.
Marshall Harris saw Lee’s comment to me and asked that I post it. Please note he has not worked as a doctor for years. I have watched his work, collected it, since the early 2000’s. He works as hard as any other professional artist, maybe more. Whether one like his work or not, celebrating another artist’s recognition and accomplishment benefits us all.
Here is Lee’s comment:
Hi Michelle, I wanted to thank you for your kind words of support and speaking up for me on other timelines to those not in the know. As you know my art career has been a 21 year journey of study and dedication. The last four years i’ve pursued it professionally with representation in Dallas, Houston, and Santa Fe. Winning this prize certainly is a validation and culmination of all those years of work. I am very proud of it as I am also proud of the inclusion of three of my works into the permanent collection of the MFAH. More details of my resume can be found on my web page. As for my medical career I have now been retired 3 years and pursuing my art full time. That was a 32 year involvement with 28 years as as a specialist in Anesthesiology with a subspecialty in Trauma Anesthesia. I have seen a lot of tragedies and suffering over the years and am proud of my part in helping and providing medical care. I also do love music and it is evident in my work. I studied piano performance for 12 years, voice for 4 years, and I am an enthusiast of all types of music not just classical. This work not only reference the music of Stravinsky but also my spring pilgrimage last year in Spain where I walked over 500 miles along the way of St James to Santiago de Compestelo. If any of your artist friends would like more detailed information or discussion of the work they are all free to contact me either on Facebook or on my web page. It is interesting that many have asked what I plan to do with the money…..right now it goes into the art account to support my practice for the coming years and I also plan to use some of it to be supportive of another fellow artist or artists and purchase some work. Hopefully the gift keeps giving.
Don’t read the comments. Never read the comments. #1 Rule of the internet. (And really, it’s nobody’s business what you do with the money.)
OMG, this year’s award was totally worth it, because Susan Cloninger.
i agree, it is entertaining to read people here who are calling other whiners but whine when they hear any criticism. How ironic.
I am overwhelmed at the comments made on this subject about a long time friend and hard working artist. Winston Lee has worked very hard for years on his art and the crafting of it as well as his other profession in medicine.
Congratulations, Winston Lee. You deserve this award.
It’s unfortunate that you all feel so entitled to “take down” another artist in a public forum. You should all be looking at your own reflections. Your public comments certainly paint a shameful picture of what you project. Winston is a dedicated artist, and he produces wonderful work. He works hard, studies, pushes the boundaries of his own work and always digs deeper, but most of all he pays it forward which is certainly not evident in this group. Grousing seems to be rampant in your comments. It’s so easy for you to bitch and moan about the successes of others. Maybe you all should get back to your own work and look at why you might not be as successful as you feel you deserve to be. It’s pretty obvious to me from your comments that you spend too much time complaining and not enough time working to elevate yourself and those around you. Artists have a hard enough time doing what we do without being eaten alive by our own kind.
Seriously people? I have seen Winston work his ASS off since I met him in 2008. He is wildly talented, devoted and deserving of this prize. It is unfortunate that some people are not educated about different styles and approaches to art making outside of portraits and landscapes.
Congratulations, Winston Lee Mascarenhas!I am always uplifted when work like yours-quietly contemplative, thoughtful and therefore brave in this culture-is celebrated. I am very happy for you and the prize is well-deserved!
Wow, some bitter grapes from many who apparently don’t realize that jurors make their selections without consulting public opinion! I found many comments pretty amusing because they are still ranting about non-realist work and haven’t realized that abstraction has been an accepted mode of expression for maybe 100 years or so.
I think if you saw Winston’s work in person, your opinion might change. His work is very subtle and needs to be seen in the flesh instead on online. I know that he has worked very hard to develop his work and has reached a very good place in his career. This prize is a recognition of his achievement in creating outstanding contemporary work.
Congratulations to Winston and good luck to you sore losers. As they say, better luck next time!
Winston Lee Mascarenhas is a dedicated artist and professional. I don’t live in Texas but in metropolitan NYC and have seen his work and the seriousness that he approaches his art. How wonderful that a renaissance person versed in many fields can be honored for working hard and achieving a high aesthetic.
Congratulations Winston! Your work is ambitious and well deserved! I admire your ability to stay ‘about the fray’ of those filled with jealousy and criticism. Sour grapes indeed!
Congratulations Winston on a well deserved award. The subtle patterns and rhythms in your work are transcendent.
Congratulations to the various Huntington Prize winners through the years. Much verbiage to be cast about unless the winner comes from a given coterie or “school-of-the-time.”
So it goes.
Congratulations Winston! I am so happy for you! Your work is very inspiring! Well deserved award! Keep rocking!!!
I had the honor of speaking with Winston Mascarenas in front of one of his beautiful works while he was here in Tucson for an opening for a national juried show in April of this year.. The work was layered, subtle and quite honestly, magnificent. Winston spoke eloquently of his intentions to me…I was truly impressed. Congratulations, Winston, on this significant award! The jealous critics who’ve written comments above are only revealing their true character…
Congratulations, Winston! What an honor that your work was chosen to win this prestigious award. It is thoughtful and moving work and your sensitivity and dedication shows. I look forward to seeing what you do next.
Big Congrats to Winston Mascarenhas! What an honor to the receive the Hunting Prize, and well deserved. I have followed Winston’s work for a number of years and enjoyed the development of his highly sophisticated and subtle use of color and media. He is, an artist’s artist.
My sincerest congratulations to you Winston. Glad to see all your many years of hard work honored with this prestigious award. It is a magnificent and beautiful piece and I only wish I could see it in person.
I have three comments. 1) I am appalled by the bitter words and utter lack of civility in these comments. It is sad to see what appears to be other artists showing an utter lack of respect for another artist. I question the professionalism of anyone who would write these comments about someone’s work and honor in a public forum. If you don’t understand it, acknowledge that and inquire respectfully f you are so moved. 2)Winston Lee Mascarenhas’ work is incredibly beautiful, moving and masterful. I commend the jury on his selection. 3) Why would anyone believe that his career as a physician in some way detracts from his validity as an artist? Human being can have multiple talents, multiple intelligences, and multiple interests. Congratulations, Winston Lee Mascarenhas, on this award.
Appalled is not really an appropriate response here little Mindy. Go read the comments to Rainey K and her little tid bit story about a dying artist. That might bring about a feeling of dismay or horror…not so much here. But even then this is all just art. Artists care more about it than the everyday joe, and I am sure the Hunting guys could care less about the 50k and even less about the “painting”.
Here’s the link in case you need it:
Ha! Leave it to Bill Davenport to make such a comment and get all this conversation started. Paintings of this genre must be viewed in person to
truly be appreciated. If you allow yourself the time and space to experience
it, you too will hear the music.
Thank you, Jo. The painting did not seem to fit the current cliche molds
so was to be declaimed. Like jazz, you either know or never will.
Congratulations, Winston! A rich, subtle and sensitive piece with a lifetime of experience behind it.
I just saw a picture of the winning ‘painting’ (this thing is actually a painting ? my how we’ve become so dumbed down) in downtown NY, it was on one of those big ticker screen things that advertise. it was hilarious, when i first saw the ‘painting’, i thought it looked exactly like a tv screen when the satellite goes out. whats funny is that when the ‘painting’ was put on the big screen in NYC, it looked like the screen had malfunctioned and went blank, nothing but a gray screen. how many people called the bulding supervisor mistakenly thinking the ‘painting’ was a blank malfunction screen ? yes what a cruel joke !
Mr. BOENKER, you are the NYC type stiff that motivated many of us to move away from your self-absorbed “art capital” of trash installations. Yes, your witless attitude is the cruel joke.
what a wonderful rug.
could someone please tell me where i can buy this rug?
it is a rug, right?
So, Mr. “bloggs,” hiding behind a clever moniker, you enter the fray to cast your classic cliche into the ring as well. And have you actually seen any of Winston Mascarenhas’ paintings? Catherine Nash (post 23) does sum-up the attitude of the list of denigrators.
Thank you AJ Bott, Mindy, Catherine and others who know Winston and his work and appreciate what it represents for him.