Austin Art Implosion Continues: Arthouse Director Sue Graze Resigns as Executive Director to Assume Advisory Role

by Bill Davenport August 30, 2011

Arthouse: note absence of people

Sue Graze, director of Arthouse since 1999 has resigned as Executive Director to become Director Emeritus. Graze has  has shepherded the org through a name change,  an ostentatious makeover, a staff purge that eliminated the org’s last curator, and an ugly controversy over improper use of art installations as event props. Graze will remain on at Arthouse a Director Emeritus, a position given her in gratitude for her service by the board.

Perhaps Arthouse’s ever-diminishing staff will smooth the talked-about merger between it and the  Austin Museum of Art easier; AMOA is also directorless, since Dana Friis-Hansen’s resignation earlier this year to take a job in Grand Rapids, MI, a town he said is “building a better place for the creative class,” while “Texas is being led down a trail to no-know land by its leadership.” Why, with no directors or curators at all, the newly-combined Arthouse/AMOA’s sumptuous ipe-wood roof deck and cavernous upper gallery could simply be rented out for parties ALL the time!



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A August 30, 2011 - 18:16

This is ridiculous! Why are people stepping down? People should be taking lead and responsibility for the tough decisions our institutions are facing.

Jenny September 1, 2011 - 11:23

Don’t be so trite to get excited about new party spaces, Bill. Austin has plenty of those. See this for the great opportunity that it presents. With the slate now clean, this is a great time to get fresh, experienced, enthusiastic directors and curators into these positions to fulfill the potential of these two great Austin institutions. I see it as a win-win for Austin art scene and Austin artists. The future looks bright!

Bob September 3, 2011 - 10:22

um, Bill was not being serious in his last sentence.

Sue Graze Resigns from the Arthouse, But Why--Really? | AdobeAirstream September 29, 2011 - 15:40

[…] Bill Davenport of Glasstire mentioned in his article “Austin Art Implosion Continues: Arthouse Director Sue Graze Resigns as Executive Director to Assume Advisory Role,” I’m glad the Arthouse will retain the Director position. What we […]


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