“And I wasn’t dissing dungeons and dragons, people. I played dungeons and dragons in sixth grade!”
Top Five
This week, Christina and Rainey get sidetracked on how artists should stay out of school, once they're out of school. And Rainey does a robot dance.
This week, veteran Houston gallerist Barbara Davis chimes in: "It's my magical world."
"Here's the deal: I'm hopeful that this will be awesome, but it could very well be a couple of people showing up in suits and doing a half-baked performance that's a social critique that doesn't really work.... Yes?"
This week we are back with a video and are introducing our new Assistant Editor, Brandon Zech!
This only barely involves art, but hey: it’s the summer.
It's summertime! Cool beer. Hot art. Go see it all, and come by the Big Show opening at Lawndale Friday night, where we'll be shooting video and handing out koozies. (you know you want one)
Michael Bise struggles to suspend his disbelief as we round up Themed Summer Group Shows. "It's a treasure hunt for bad art."
Top FiveVideo
Top Five: June 25, 2015 with Special Guest Star Heyd Fontenot!
by Glasstireby Glasstire"It's still art, even though it looks like playground equipment."
Our special guest star this week is Jennie Ash, Visual Arts Director at Art League Houston!! Like everything else, the Top Five is always better in a British accent. Jennie joined Rainey Knudson on a wet day at Project Row Houses to count down this week's list!
This week we got hard-hitting Latinos, clever women and a late-blooming name changer.
This week: a show that shrinks itself, a show that freezes things, and couple of shows that give us that fuzzy TBT feeling.
This week: creepy Internet addiction, ye goode olde dayes of buffalo slaughter, and–finally being screened for the first time–a Christian Marclay video about a terrible event in Texas’ past:…
GOURDS!! And punk's not dead. And despite appearances to the contrary, Christina and Rainey are not on safari.
Christina and Rainey are relieved it's not all about luxury goods this week.
Christina and Rainey are heavy on the sci-fi and naked ladies this week.
Rainey visits Bill's Junk for Bill's sayonara performance on Glasstire's weekly Top Five video.
Spring is here! Watch Christina, Bill and Rainey count the mushrooming student shows and catch the buzz on the art-science connection.
The week's best art events in Texas, some amateur climate modeling, and a pratfall.
Christina Rees can't help but crow over Dallas' total art ascendancy this week; Bill Davenport, despairing in Houston, can only agree.