Ningún artista despertó un día y dijo de repente “¡de verdad me gustaría decorar una caja eléctrica!”.
Rainey Knudson
Rainey Knudson
Rainey Knudson founded Glasstire in 2001 as one of the earliest web-only arts journals in the country. In 2019, she stepped down as publisher, ending an 18-year run at the helm of the publication. A frequent public speaker, she has given talks about online communications and the role of the critic at numerous universities and museums.
Rainey Knudson writes about the work of Houston artist David McGee, whose exhibition at Inman Gallery is on view through November 1.
Imagine you suddenly had a chunk of free time with no responsibilities. What would you finally have the chance to do?
I took my first art class, and now it’s almost as if long-dead artists were making their works before my eyes.
Two images of women and waterfalls: from the movie Brave, and in a 1926 watercolor by the artist Rockwell Kent. Implausibly, they feel like freedom.
The President wants to ruin your summer. Don't let him.
Glasstire founder Rainey Knudson's final article as publisher.
Artists who enter into so-called art with the idea that they are starting a business — a transaction of something for money — are almost never making art.
Nobody, seeing an abstract painting today — no matter how good it is — is going to recoil and say, “Oh my god, what is that?? That’s not art!”
"It's nicer to deal with readers than it is to deal with students. You don't feel responsible for somebody's fate."
If sharing these stories in another language can somehow build bridges among human beings, then we must do so.
We must take pleasure in art, however frivolous that may seem. Otherwise, what's the point?
Nike just released a grass-covered shoe. As usual, an artist was there first.
If your tastes don't run toward pithy aphorisms about mindfulness, here's something in the same vein, but better.
I like to think someone killed a man down there; it's the romantic in me.
On a marvelous 16th-century drawing of a steeple.
Op Ed
Houston, We Need To Vote On This Flood Bond. Then We Need to Dream About The City We Could Be.
Of course, if you want to really dream, you could imagine downtown Houston looking like Paris with the Seine running through it.
Imagine if the MFAH had lived up to the bootstrapping spirit of this crazy swamp and done something really radical.
Hey painters: Can you do this?
If I would prefer to find my pleasures elsewhere than this new direction of museums, then obviously there are artists who are already way ahead of me.