“This and That” is an occasional series of paired observations. See past “This and That” posts here. – Ed.
Today: Dogs guarding art

Installation view of “Megan Plunkett: CTZNMEG,” 2024, at F in Houston. On wall: “Carousel of Progress,” 2023, inkjet print on glossy paper, red metal frame, 4 3/4 inches diameter (image)
11 x 11 inches (frame). On floor: “The Vavas,” 2023, four altered plush dog dolls, catnip, various dimensions

Installation view of “Maurizio Cattelan,” 2010, at the Menil Collection, Houston. Photo: Paul Hester/Menil Collection
No matter how original, innovative or crazy your idea, someone else is also working on that idea. Furthermore, they are using notation very similar to yours. – Bruce J. MacLennan