This and That: Andrea McGinty and Craig Ferguson’s Late Late Show

by Brandon Zech February 16, 2022

“This and That” is an occasional series of paired observations. See past “This and That” posts here. – Ed.

Today: Horse costumes

Photograph of an art show featuring a sculpture made out of a horse costume.

Installation view at SUNNY NY of Andrea McGinty’s “Horse,” 2021, horse costume, mannequin, boot, socks, cat litter container, flag pole, yellow jacket, laundry detergent container, concrete, 73 x 27 x 60 inches. Image via the artist’s website.

Photograph of a sculpture made out of a horse costume.

Andrea McGinty, “Horse” (detail), 2021, horse costume, mannequin, boot, socks, cat litter container, flag pole, yellow jacket, laundry detergent container, concrete, 73 x 27 x 60 inches. Image via the artist’s website.


No matter how original, innovative or crazy your idea, someone else is also working on that idea. Furthermore, they are using notation very similar to yours. – Bruce J. MacLennan

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