If you haven’t yet applied to the Houston Arts Alliance (HAA) Individual Artist Grant Program, today (Thursday, November 10) is the day to learn how. HAA is offering two Application Workshop + Peer Learning Sessions at 11am and 3pm at its office at 3201 Allen Parkway, Suite 125. Past IAG recipients will be in attendance to share their application and grant award experiences; potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend.
Since 1985, more than $4.5 million in grants have been awarded to more than 770 Houston artists through the Individual Artist Grant Program. The program comprises two kinds of grants: Emerging Artist and Established Artist Grants. Emerging Artists are defined as artists who have actively and continually pursued their profession in this discipline for less than four years. Emerging Artist grants are $5,000 each. Established Artists are defined as artists who have actively and continually pursued their profession in this discipline for five years or more. Established Artist grants are $10,000 each.
If you’ve already been through this rigmarole and want to reapply, don’t forget that the application process opens on Monday, December 5 and closes Thursday, January 5. Notifications of awards are sent out in April. For project guidelines, go here.
Good luck!