Houston artist Cody Ledvina has just finished painting a long, long dog on the side of a EJ’s, prominent LGBT bar in Montrose. He’s proud as punch, and sent this picture:
The dog is part of an informal, one-man public art project that’s creeping across vacant walls near Ledvina’s home in Montrose. “They’re walls I pass every day,” says the respected contemporary artist and co-founder of The Joanna Gallery, “I’d like to see something on them.” Building owners who have accepted Ledvina’s proposals pay only for paint to have a semi-permanent piece of contemporary art include Griff’s E.J.’s, Mary’s, and a realty office at Dunlavy and Vermont Streets.
Swamplot comments are the best!
“I have zero respect for most Houston area artists as well. Most of the “art” that I see at galleries is frankly, garbage, such as facial portraits with genitalia painted on them. Sorry, but the people buying these orange stucco Mcmansions are the same idiots plunking down $2,000-3,000 for this junk.”
“Once every fifty years you get a facial-portraits-with-genitalia-painted-on-them painter of Cody Ledvina’s talent.”
-Gene Morgan
This is just what Houston needs to heal it’s oily wounds after the tree debacle.
Bravo Ledvina!!!