While the artwork certainly benefited from its handsome setting and thoughtful installation, many pieces also stood easily on their own.
Photo Essay
Nowhere else can you make as pointed a statement about commodification, while still being so wretchedly complicit!
This is a truly international fair. I don’t mind the low ceilings at all anymore.
Serendipity, or something more?
BlogGlasstirePhoto Essay
The Almost-Complete List of Texas Holiday Arts and Crafts Fairs
by Paula Newtonby Paula NewtonHoliday shoppers, rejoice! No need to regret skipping Cyber Monday or fighting huge malls when there are tons of fairs and markets offering handmade items from artists, artisans, and other…
Intensity is not a perfume!
Images from Houston's annual rolling group show, the Art Car Parade.
"Art that cannot rely on the joyous, heartfelt assent of the broad and healthy mass of the people, but depends on tiny cliques that are self-interested and blasé by turns, is intolerable."
It is the most unsurprising and natural thing that, in our consciousness, we would conjure something in the universe, over and over again.
The Houston photographer has a knack for being vulnerable and tough at the same time.
In the light of the spring sun, Houston's landscape of textured surfaces and hand-painted signs is open for viewing.
If this trend continues, next year there will be nothing left to ridicule.
CentralTrak is one of the only university-backed residencies in Texas. With a steady gallery program, and a sense of community through constant creative activity, there is professional energy bubbling.
I rolled into Dallas on Saturday, just as many of the city's project spaces and galleries had their openings. It was also the beginning of the Dallas Biennial or DB14.