This is a fight for everything that makes life worth living.
Rainey Knudson
Rainey Knudson
Rainey Knudson founded Glasstire in 2001 as one of the earliest web-only arts journals in the country. In 2019, she stepped down as publisher, ending an 18-year run at the helm of the publication. A frequent public speaker, she has given talks about online communications and the role of the critic at numerous universities and museums.
To begin to understand how grossly overlooked the artist Dorothy Hood has been, you have to see the late artist’s paintings in person. There is no substitute for standing in…
“This and That” is an occasional series of paired observations. -Ed. Today: Bathroom Humor ************* No matter how original, innovative or crazy your idea, someone else is also…
“This and That” is an occasional series of paired observations. -Ed. Today: We Can Do It The iconic spread featuring Lynda Benglis from the 1974 issue of Artforum has…
The legendary composer, sound artist, theoretician and teacher Pauline Oliveros died on November 25th. She was 84. Oliveros was born in Houston and grew up near the Acres Homes neighborhood.…
What is a committed, black activist artist to do about sharing a name with the Pollyanna blonde girl who was in the movie Singin’ In The Rain?
The battle lines are being incorrectly understood in our personalized Facebook echo chambers: the fight is not between political “progressives” and political “conservatives.”
This week there was an unfortunate post on the Glasstire Instagram account. An image meant to ridicule Donald Trump’s rhetoric of “bad hombres” and building a wall along the border…
As much as dealers give lip service to the idea that fairs are about advertising and networking (rather than selling art), at some point the rubber must hit the road.
Glasstire’s Rainey Knudson sat down with art critic Dave Hickey at Landfall Press in Santa Fe to talk about his latest and upcoming book projects, the problem with Santa Fe, and why critics don’t enjoy writing negative reviews.
A show of works by African-American artists in the collection opens the museum to accusations of perfunctory curatorial affirmative action.
Rainey Knudson sat down with the Blaffer's director before she left for San Francisco, to ask about Urs Fischer, renovating on a shoestring, and what she'll miss about Houston.
What I admire most about Meow Wolf is that they explicitly want out of the art world. They want their freedom, and they figured out how to get it.
Have your camera ready, because that's the prize: the proof that you saw, more valuable than the seeing itself.
There’s always clamor in our world. Once again I’m glad for the artists who cut through the noise, noisily.
We are ripe for a rigorous, joyfully open-minded, unthemed, ongoing and regular survey of the best work being made in Texas.
A video review of Jamie Earnest’s show at Cindy Lisica Gallery in Houston, on view June 3rd – July 9th, 2016.
It says something about the anxiety level of our national moment that Ross's soothing, hypnotizing presence is a phenomenon again.
via The Browser