On January 24 at 6:30pm, Houston’s Aurora Picture Show will host a celebratory reception for the Idea Fund’s twelve Round 9 (2017) grant recipients. Each artist or collaborative will talk about their project concept and plans in a Pecha Kucha-style presentation. This reception is open to the public, and food and drink will be served.
A total of $51,000 will be distributed to these recipients at these distinct levels: Stimulus ($7,000), Catalyst ($4,000), Spark ($1,000), and Research & Development ($1,000). A total of 93 applications by artists or collaboratives were received from the greater Houston area. Grantees are Nick Barbee; WAKE (Lauren Eddy, Jorja Montgomery, Grant Loomis, Lisa Gulesserian, Julian Jimenez, Dan Schmahl, and Michael Stuart Allison); Reuben Levi; Outspoken (Emanuelee) Bean; Hannah Bonner; Sara Balabanlilar and Sarah Rodriguez; Mary Forbes and Chelby King; EQ Collective (Jessica Fuquay, Anna Garza, Miriam Hamkin, Mary Walenta, and Muna Javaid); Felipe Steinberg; and Eric Pearce. Additionally, Felicia Johnson and Delilah M. Montoya will receive Research & Development Funds of $1,000 each to further expand their projects.
Party on and make some great work!