Paul Gauguin, “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?” 1897–1898, oil on canvas, 55 × 148 inches
Jessica Fuentes and Gabriel Martinez talk about the book Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma and some of the cultural creatives who have committed monstrous crimes.
“There aren’t good celebrities and bad celebrities. They’re all just people. There is a spectrum of behaviors. There’s nobody that’s purely good, and there are maybe a few people who are purely evil, but it’s rare. It’s kind of ridiculous to assume that any person is going to always be good. I don’t say that to excuse any of these truly heinous and criminal behaviors. I don’t think they should be excused… I think that it’s foolish to uplift a celebrity and expect a certain standard of behavior.”
To play the podcast, click on the orange play button below. You can also find Glasstire on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify.
—Goodreads: Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma
—The Paris Review: What Do We Do with the Art of Monstrous Men?
—The New York Times: Is It Time Gauguin Got Canceled?
—The New York Times: My Woody Allen Problem
—The Guardian: Carl Andre: the ‘OJ of the art world’ leaves behind a troubling legacy
—Glasstire: Photographs Removed from Exhibition Following Police Report Filed Against the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
—Glasstire: The Modern Releases Statement Regarding Removed Sally Mann Photographs in Fort Worth
—Glasstire: The Modern Releases Statement Regarding Removed Sally Mann Photographs in Fort Worth
—Glasstire: National Organizations Weigh in on Controversy at the Modern in Fort Worth
—Glasstire: Three Civil Rights Organizations Demand FWPD Release Confiscated Sally Mann Photographs
—Glasstire: Review: “Gauguin in the World” at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston