Art Dirt: Monsters of Art

by Glasstire March 9, 2025
A large multi-figure painting.

Paul Gauguin, “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?” 1897–1898, oil on canvas, 55 × 148 inches

Jessica Fuentes and Gabriel Martinez talk about the book Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma and some of the cultural creatives who have committed monstrous crimes.

“There aren’t good celebrities and bad celebrities. They’re all just people. There is a spectrum of behaviors. There’s nobody that’s purely good, and there are maybe a few people who are purely evil, but it’s rare. It’s kind of ridiculous to assume that any person is going to always be good. I don’t say that to excuse any of these truly heinous and criminal behaviors. I don’t think they should be excused… I think that it’s foolish to uplift a celebrity and expect a certain standard of behavior.”

To play the podcast, click on the orange play button below. You can also find Glasstire on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify.

This week’s podcast is sponsored in part by Arts Fort Worth and the Arts Forward Summit, happening on Saturday, March 29, 2025. What if everyone who enjoys the creative arts came together at once? What new collaborations and ideas are waiting for a chance meeting? What best-kept local secrets are ready to become your new favorite thing? At the Arts Forward Summit, Arts Fort Worth invites you to join hundreds of creative and curious people as they create art, share resources, discuss big ideas, and dream together about where the arts can take us next. Learn more about Arts Forward here:
Related Readings:

Goodreads: Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma
The Paris Review: What Do We Do with the Art of Monstrous Men?
The New York Times: Is It Time Gauguin Got Canceled?
The New York Times: My Woody Allen Problem
The Guardian: Carl Andre: the ‘OJ of the art world’ leaves behind a troubling legacy
Glasstire: Photographs Removed from Exhibition Following Police Report Filed Against the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
Glasstire: The Modern Releases Statement Regarding Removed Sally Mann Photographs in Fort Worth
Glasstire: The Modern Releases Statement Regarding Removed Sally Mann Photographs in Fort Worth
Glasstire: National Organizations Weigh in on Controversy at the Modern in Fort Worth
Glasstire: Three Civil Rights Organizations Demand FWPD Release Confiscated Sally Mann Photographs
Glasstire: Review: “Gauguin in the World” at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

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