Plans for the Independent Arts Collaborative are moving forward. In June the IAC bought a chunk of land at from the city, now they’ve hired Webb Management, a New York-based consulting firm to validate and sharpen their business plan.
A “blue chip” committee has been formed to choose an architect for the new arts mega-store, consisting of Diane Barber, former Co-director of DiverseWorks; architect Raymond Brochstein, Chairman of Brochsteins, Inc.; Paul Chapman, Chief Development Officer of Belmont Village, Inc.; Janette Cosley, Executive Director of the Ensemble Theater; Gwendolyn Goffe, Interim Director at the MFAH; artist Gonzo247, Director of Aerosol Warfare Gallery; architect Guy Hagstette, Director of Buffalo Bayou Park and former Director of Discovery Green; and preservationist Phoebe Tudor, Chair of the Houston Architectural and Historic Commission.