San Antonio’s Artpace will receive a $60,000 NEA grant
Yesterday, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)’s first of two major grant announcements of fiscal year 2018 was delivered. More than $25 million in grants across all artistic disciplines will be awarded to nonprofit organizations in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Texas was awarded 43 NEA grants with a total dollar amount of $1,122,000:
“It is energizing to see the impact that the arts are making throughout the United States. These NEA-supported projects are good examples of how the arts build stronger and more vibrant communities, improve well-being, prepare our children to succeed, and increase the quality of our lives,” said the NEA Chairman. “At the National Endowment for the Arts, we believe that all people should have access to the joy, opportunities, and connections the arts bring.”
The grants are for specific projects and range from performances and exhibitions, to healing arts and arts education programs, to festivals and artist residencies. To read short descriptions of the organizations’ specific projects, go here. Below is the list of Texas organization grantees:
Abilene Arts Alliance (aka Abilene Cultural Affairs) $10,000
Austin Film Society (aka Austin Film Society (AFS)) $30,000
Ballet Austin, Incorporated (aka Ballet Austin) $10,000
Center for Women & Their Work (aka Women & Their Work) $25,000
Cine Las Americas (aka CLA) $10,000
Creative Action $40,000
Fuse Box Austin (aka Fusebox) $50,000
Mexic-Arte (aka MexicArte Museum) $25,000
Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance, Inc. (aka Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRFDance)) $10,000
TILT $10,000
Visions In Rhythm (aka Tapestry Dance Company) $10,000
VORTEX Repertory Company (aka The VORTEX) $10,000
Zachary Scott Theater Center (aka ZACH Theatre) $30,000
South Texas Institute for the Arts (aka Art Museum of South Texas) $10,000
buildingcommunityWORKSHOP (aka bcWORKSHOP) $15,000
City of Dallas, Texas (on behalf of South Dallas Cultural Center) $10,000
Dallas Opera $40,000
Dallas Theater Center $25,000
Kitchen Dog Theater Company $10,000
Nasher Sculpture Center $40,000
Texas International Theatrical Arts Society (aka TITAS Presents) $10,000
Alley Theatre $75,000
Aurora Picture Show $15,000
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston $55,000
Da Camera Society of Texas $25,000
FotoFest, Inc. $35,000
Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature & Fine Arts $10,000
Houston Ballet Foundation $35,000
Houston Cinema Arts Society $20,000
Houston Grand Opera Association, Inc. $75,000
Lawndale Art & Performance Center $20,000
Miller Theatre Advisory Board, Inc. (aka Miller Outdoor Theatre) $25,000
Museum of Fine Arts Houston $45,000
Society for the Performing Arts (aka SPA) $20,000
University of Houston $30,000
University of Houston (on behalf of Arte Publico Press) $45,000
Marfa Theatre (aka Marfa Live Arts) $10,000
University of Texas of the Permian Basin $17,000
Chamberlain Ballet (aka Chamberlain Performing Arts) $10,000
Artpace, Inc. (aka Artpace San Antonio) $60,000
National Association of Latino Arts and Culture (aka NALAC) $45,000
National Western Art Foundation (aka Briscoe Western Art Museum) $10,000
Urban-15 Group $10,000
1 comment
44 Grants….
Ballroom Marfa too! $30,000