Stephen Vitiello is a sound artist who teaches at Virginia Commonwealth University. He has exhibited around the world and collaborated with artists such as Pauline Oliveros, Tony Oursler, Julie…
Local Revolutionaries: Living Room Art with Voices Breaking Boundaries
by Diane Barberby Diane BarberThe revolution begins at home. More specifically, the revolution begins in your living room. Since 2006, Houston’s bold and unapologetic Voices Breaking Boundaries has been taking art to the masses…
Catherine Lee is a painter and sculptor who has exhibited throughout the United States and abroad. She grew up in Texas, attended university in California and lived and worked…
Portrait of Waltercio Caldas, image from Waltercio Caldas is one of Brazil’s leading contemporary artists. His work is often linked to Neo-Concretism, a movement in Rio de Janerio in…
Ron Berry is the founder and director of the annual Austin performance festival Fusebox. Katie Geha (who with Sterling Allen and Travis Kent organized Files Desks Chairs for the Fusebox…
Interview with New Artpace Executive Director Regine Basha
by Claire Ruudby Claire RuudJulieta Aranda, Hills Snyder and Regine Basha at Sala Diaz Regine Basha was recently appointed Executive Director of Artpace, San Antonio, a position she’ll assume less than a month from…
Marfa is a town overflowing with renovated spaces. Gas stations have become restaurants, textile buildings are now theaters, and even the Chinati Foundation’s campus was once an active military base.…
Few things are more universally maligned by artists than a canvas full of bluebonnets. I admit I have been guilty of disparaging the shameless embrace of bluebonnet landscape paintings, prominently…
Vernon Fisher started off his art career as an abstract painter, but by the mid-1970s that line of inquiry came to a screeching halt. He began making small books instead.…
“Tell your own story, and you will be interesting…”-LB I came to art pretty late in the game. As an undergraduate I transfered into the University of Washington and became…
The serene 5.2-acre park being built over the Woodall Rodgers Freeway is a small piece of land that will radically change Dallas. Previously, the system of highways surrounding downtown…
ARE YOU THERE GLASSTIRE? IT’S ME MARGARET. UP LIKE TOAST was my pseudo secret blog for the past 2 years that I filled with research, interests, art, openings, reviews…
Artist Keith Wilson launched the Cave & Mountain Tour in 2009 as an attempt to get people out from behind their computers and into the world of brick and mortar.…
A podcast has recently been released on Frieze Art Fair’s site with a panel discussion about Art and Theory. (The most notable figure being Robert Storr, but the entire panel…
Oh, and One More Thing… Talking to Judy Nyquist About Her Collection of Text-Based Works Judy Nyquist has a passion for art and artists. A former museum curator with an…
Art & Boats is my ongoing series of interviews and stories about artists who build boats, sail, explore and challenge themselves on the water. For background on Art & Boats,…
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack And you may find yourself in another part of the world And you may find yourself behind the wheel of…
The impact of the 2008 – 2009 financial crisis is undoubtedly a global phenomenon, but there are some cities, such as London — once the world’s leader in all financial…
Anita Valencia is a queen of recycling, creating large-scale public sculpture from aluminum soda and beer cans as well as intimate “paintings” from bottle caps, which she’s debuted at…
I have a recurring dream that I discover a hidden room, floor or entire wing in my existing home. The expansive imaginary space defies Newtonian Physics, and the ornate architectural…