Checking in With: Tommy Gregory

by Glasstire May 17, 2020

View and bid on Tommy Gregory’s piece in The Glasstire Auction here.

Artist Tommy Gregory and Brandon Zech

Brandon Zech talks with artist Tommy Gregory about the importance of public art, the intricacies of traditional bronze casting, and planned obsolescence.

“I try to focus on objects that have some inherent beauty…iPhones are very elegantly designed. So to look at this planned obsolete object that you’re not going to hand down to your kids one day because it has no value, how do you make it have value using the elegance of its design? I figured casting it in bronze is a perfect way to do that.” 

bronze artworks by Tommy Gregory

Works by Tommy Gregory. Left: U.S.B., 2019, Cast bronze. 1 1/2 x 3/4 x 1/4 inches. Right: Loading…again, 2020. Diamond engraved cast bronze. 4 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 1/2 inches



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Ken Little May 17, 2020 - 10:32

Hey Tommy! Great talk! Was really glad to see what you are doing and to hear how things are there with you, Casey and Clementine.
Hello to you all. Boy, I still miss Luis. I am sure you do also. Your friend Ken

Brad Bucher May 17, 2020 - 18:34

What a pleasure hearing from Tommy. He was a great asset while in Houston and I am happy that he is doing well in Seattle. Thank you Glasstire for keeping us in touch.

Mira Hnatyshyn May 23, 2020 - 15:32

Great interview Tommy. Enjoyed hearing you talk about your dedication to your work and support of the art community. Seattle is fortunate to have you and Casey. …and Clementine

Donald Pearce August 27, 2020 - 09:55

I really like the Check Ins


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