Martin Lasack, Along Jamison Creek, 2016 via Birds in Art
The Rockport Center for the Arts (RCA) was scheduled to host the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum’s annual Birds in Art exhibition starting in September 2017. Then came Hurricane Harvey, which devastated the RCA. While Rockport starts its struggle to piece its museum back together, the Art Museum of South Texas (AMST) in Corpus Christi has opened its doors to the exhibition. Not only is this generous, but fast-acting.
RCA Executive Director Luis Purón states, “As Rockport and the rest of the Coastal Bend return to normalcy after the storm, I hope that you will join us for the opening reception to celebrate our community’s spirit, strength, and resiliency. United, we have made significant strides. #ArtHeals”
The show will open at the AMST on Thursday, September 28, 5:30pm–7pm. If you’re down in South Texas, support museum collaboration!