Top Five: May 19, 2016

by Glasstire May 19, 2016

Christina Rees and Michael Bise on Midland versus Odessa culture, painters who can actually paint, and a fond farewell to a cranky Houston artist.


seth alverson

1. Seth Alverson: You’ll Never See Me Again
Optical Project/Bill’s Junk (Houston)
May 20, 7-9PM

Says Bill Davenport:
“I like Seth Alverson’s vividly noir paintings, but I’ve heard that this show is not those. I’m as excited as you are to see what he is going to come up with. Judging by the title, I guess it’s going to be some kind of bloody farewell.”



2. Kristin Musgnug: Low Down and Close Up: Paintings of the Forest Floor
Inman Gallery (Houston)
May 20 – June 25
Opening May 20, 6-8PM

An exhibition of paintings by Kristin Musgnug. Her works draw from real life situations, blending observation and imagination.



3. 2016 Visual SpeedBump Art Tour
Various Venues across Dallas
May 21, 12-6PM

The 2016 Visual SpeedBump Art Tour. Open studios include: Chuck & George, Deadbolt Studio (Brian Ryden, Randy Guthmiller, Zeke Williams) Picnic Studio, Sour Grapes Studio, Ray-Mel Cornelius and many more. For more info, go here.


cobra how to magpie lawndale

4.1. how2magpie
Lawndale Art Center (Houston)
May 6 – June 11

An exhibition featuring works by Lawndale Artist Studio Program participants Bradly Brown, Cobra McVey and Anthony Sonnenberg.


dwellers lawndale

4.2.Surface Dwellers
Lawndale Art Center (Houston)
May 6 – June 11

An exhibition of works by Samantha Persons & Christopher Wallace. The two artists use hand-drawn images and patterns to create drawings that explore notions of narrative, pattern and obsession.



4.3. Alex Goss: May-Can-Will
Lawndale Art Center (Houston)
May 6 – June 11

An exhibition by Alex Goss. The show aims to transform the gallery into a space referencing public restrooms, challenging the viewers to navigate unfamiliar surroundings.


triptych lawndale

4.4. Michelle Chang: Triptych
Lawndale Art Center (Houston)
May 6 – June 11

An exhibition by Michelle Chang.



5. The Museum of the Southwest Permanent Collection
Museum of the Southwest (Midland)

The regional museum is looking extra spiffy these days, with a recent renovation and curator Wendy Earle doing a bang-up job on temporary exhibitions and the re-installment of the museum’s permanent collection.

Open Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-5PM & Sunday 2-5 p.m.

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1 comment

anon May 19, 2016 - 12:39

wtf…why u no (christina) stay houston??? at least for a fri-nite exhibit or sumpin???


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