Today, from 6-10 PM, Beefhaus will present short films by twenty different artists. The program has a strong Texas base, featuring numerous local favorites, including Gregory Ruppe, Michelle Rawlings, and Pierre Krause (read our profile on Krause here).
Use the links below to get the lowdown on the other artists in the show:
Armando Lozano (Chicago, IL)
Carolyn Sortor (Dallas, TX)
Christopher Sonny Martinez (New York, NY)
Erica Lapadat-Jenzen (Vancouver, BC)
Erica Vitucci (New York, NY)
Gabriella Hileman (Chicago, IL)
Jennifer Remenchik (Los Angeles, CA)
Jeff Gibbons (Dallas, TX)
Kate Yoland (London, UK)
Laurel Victoria Whitehead (Chicago, IL)
Lauren Woods (Dallas, TX)
Maneesh Raj Madahar (Los Angeles, CA)
Molly Hewitt (Chicago, IL)
Morehshin Allahyari (San Francisco, CA)
Shawn Mayer (Dallas, TX)
Taj Bourgeois (Portland, OR)
William Sarradet (Dallas, TX)

Christopher Sonny Martinez, Mom & Hija

Molly Hewitt, Lynda Carter Secrets to Perfect Makeup

Maneesh Raj Madahar, Halcyon Homunculus
Get more info here.