Art.Science.Gallery, one of the nation’s first art galleries to feature exclusively science-related artworks, will open in Austin on April 12 with its first exhibition. Called Geo_____ , the show will explore themes of geology, geography and geometry, featuring the work of four artists: Annell Livingston (Taos, NM), Landry McMeans (Austin, TX), Laura Moriarty (Kingston, NY) and Ruthie Powers (Austin, TX).
The space is run by J. Hayley Gillespie–conservation biologist, educator, natural historian, artist, and science writer–so the gallery is also equal parts laboratory and classroom, offering a number of workshops and courses that explore the fertile cross-pollinating between art and science.
This is great news and has potential to further idea-based and progressive creativity in Austin. I hope this functions as an incubator for multi-sensory artists and designers.
Congratulations on opening your New Gallery with a Scientific bent. I’m looking forward to seeing your exhibitions!