Jesus in a Blender! New Pope Favored Censorship in 2004

by Bill Davenport March 14, 2013

jesus in a grinder ferrariAmong the many details of new Pope Francis I’s past life and attitudes that are being sifted today is his involvement in one of those art scandals that are meat for the sensationalist media. It seems that in 2004, Francis (neé Jorge Mario Bergoglio) when confronted with an exhibition of provocative, church-negative art from Argentine artist León Ferrari in his archdiocese of Buenos Aires, was provoked, and publicly called for the show’s closure. Protesters invaded the cultural center where Ferrri’s retrospective was on display and smashed some of the work. The show was ordered closed on December 17, 2004 by a judge on the grounds that it  “wounded the sensibilities of Christians.”

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