Matthew Bourbon reviews two recent exhibitions in Dallas, focusing on a single piece from each show.
Matthew Bourbon
Matthew Bourbon
Matthew Bourbon is an artist and Professor at the College of Visual Art and Design at the University of North Texas. He has written for Art Forum Online, Flash Art, Art News, New York Arts Magazine and ARTL!ES.
Matthew Bourbon writes about an artwork by Terri Thornton, on view in the group show "Decades" at Barry Whistler Gallery.
Matthew Bourbon remembers Vernon Fisher.
Matthew Bourbon writes about an artwork by Merlin James, which was recently on view with Kerlin Gallery at the Dallas Art Fair.
Kongo Astronauts: “Congo Gravitational Waves // A Metadigital & Tantalean Tale” at UNT, Denton
Matthew Bourbon reviews an exhibition by the artist collective Kongo Astronauts, on view at the College of Visual Arts and Design Galleries at UNT in Denton.
Matthew Bourbon visita “What I Saw” en la Menil Collection, una exposición que reúne las obras del artista autodidacta Joseph E. Yoakum.
Matthew Bourbon visits the Menil Collection exhibition "What I Saw," featuring works by self-taught artist Joseph E. Yoakum.
What’s clear is that the artist is deeply attuned to the nuance of profiles, surfaces, and material transitions, as any good sculptor should be.
Matthew Bourbon on a standout work by Robert Milnes
Carol Bove is a magician. She cleverly reinvigorates the tradition of gigantic, supposedly heroic, and weighty commercial steel sculpture, subverting the usually orotund voice present in this type of artwork.
Merrill weaves a kind of magic within her art to foster our curiosity about the banal.
I see Scully's art with fresh eyes.
Nara’s iconic sculpture points toward the opening of one’s senses to the landscape as a way of feeding one’s physical and interior vitality.
A few words about the artist's newest work on view at the Nasher Sculpture Center.
Meehan holds fast to the internal muscle we all share — the all-too regular, but often forgotten social glue that is behaving with compassion and humanity to all.
By different degrees, everyone is a stranger. Our inner worlds are largely obscure to each other. It’s not a stretch to wonder: can we grasp anything substantial about another person’s…
Elegance veers towards a kind of lyrical sentimentalism; beautiful, but dangerously close to a whirlpool of cliché.
Interview with contemporary artist Matthew Metzger
Interview with contemporary artist Alan Reid
interview with contemporary artist Todd Kelly