The Beauty Box, a 2013 Idea Fund project. Image via PhillipPyletheSecond.com
It’s the eighth round of the Idea Fund, which gives out grants for “artist-generated or artist-centered projects that exemplify unconventional, interventionist, conceptual, entrepreneurial, participatory, or guerrilla artistic practices.” The re-granting program is administered by a partnership of DiverseWorks, Aurora Picture Show, and Project Row Houses and funded by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.
Here are the basics:
The Idea Fund supports individual artists, curators, collectives, collaboratives or partnerships in the greater Houston area.
It provides up to 12 cash awards at three distinct levels: Spark ($1,000), Catalyst ($4,000), and Stimulus ($7,000).
The application deadline is Monday, November 2, 2015 at 11:59 pm. Grantee announcements will be made December 2015. Project completion deadline is December 31, 2016.
It is recommended that applicants attend an Idea Fund info session. For dates and locations, go here.
So, take your craziest idea and put it into grantspeak now!