Bruce Lee Webb, the first author in the 2019 GAC Conversations series
The Galveston Arts Center (GAC) has announced the 2019 line-up for its annual speaker series, Conversations @ The Center, featuring artists and arts professionals who speak about and show images of their work, practices, professions, or discuss timely issues in contemporary visual art. The upcoming series highlights four Texas-based authors who have published books on topics in contemporary art joined in conversation with individuals that give special insight into local and regional connections to their work.
If you need to study up before deciding which conversations you want to attend, Glasstire has written about these authors recently. Bruce Lee Webb (articles here and here), Robert Craig Bunch (article here), Jay Wehnert (articles here and here), and Pete Gershon (article here and podcast here). Here is the 2019 schedule:
Sunday, January 20 at 2pm
Author Bruce Lee Webb will speak about his book, As Above, So Below: Art of the American Fraternal Society, 1850-1930, in conversation with Kevin Thompson, information officer for the Galveston Scottish Rite Cathedral.
Saturday, February 16 at 2pm
Author Robert Craig Bunch will speak about his book, The Art of Found Objects: Interviews with Texas Artists, in conversation with Galveston-based artist Robert Dampier who is featured in the publication.
Sunday, March 31 at 2pm
Author Jay Wehnert will speak about his book, Outsider Art in Texas: Lone Stars, in conversation with Galveston resident Recie Kraemer, owner of Karol Virag’s Decoupage House.
TBA – May 2019
Pete Gershon will speak about his book, Collision: The Contemporary Art Scene in Houston, 1972–1985, in conversation with an artist featured in the book.
Cool art, cool authors. Catch up on your art reading and go see what these people have to say.