Image via Facebook
On August 1, a law went into effect in Texas that made it legal to carry concealed firearms into public university campus buildings. Next week, students at the University of Texas at Austin who disagree with the new law will be carrying dildos into their classrooms in protest, reports the Observer.
Last October, UT alum Jessica Jin created a Facebook page called “Cocks Not Glocks,” calling for students to openly carry dildos on August 24, the first day of school. According to the page, 10,000 people have accepted the invitation to attend the “event.” The group plans to hand out 4,000 dildos before the 24th and dildo donations are still coming in. Some dildo vendors are offering discounts to those with a UT Austin ID.
Of course, the Facebook page has generated much insane and nasty back-and-forth comments. Jin states that much of the opposition’s argument went along the lines of, “If we were carrying a dildo around campus, we’d be inviting rape.” And that would inevitably lead to the assertion that “when someone does try to rape you, you’ll wish you had a gun.”
Naturally, the pro-gun advocates are trying to organize a counter protest on the same day for “Liberty-minded students from Texas State, Trinity University and the University of Texas.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound nearly as creative. They simply ask supporters to “Bring pro-2A [second amendment] clothing, flags, signs, etc.”
Dildos are friendlier and funnier.
“Take it and Come”
Open Carry Texas has organized a protest to the protest called Clocks Not Cocks.
From their Facebook page “Clocks are more necessary in a college campus than Cocks and we want to help educate the gun haters on how to read one and be on time for classes.”
“support campus carry, bring a clock as part of our symbolic protest”
Misguided if they think clocks are going to make students come sooner 😛
I Love my school.