After the wildly successful two-day pop-up exhibition at Houston’s Inman Gallery last August, the University of Houston’s art students are hitting the big time. This time, they’re taking it to the grocery store!
For ten years, Professors Gael Stack and Aaron Parazette have been handing their undergraduate students the strange assignment of creating a series of paintings based on visits to the Menil Collection and a Fiesta supermarket. The works deal with high and low art, culture and commerce, and the final results wander in and out of kitsch, surrealism, pop art, quotidian narrative, and goofiness.
Now, Fiesta itself has become hip to the hipness and has partnered with the school to display the works above and among the shelves at the Fiesta Mart at 8130 Kirby. There will be a reception for the artists on Thursday, February 6, 7:30-9 pm in the frozen foods section (how often do we get to say that?). The works will remain on view through March 23.