Remember when James Franco was coming to the University of Houston’s doctoral program in creative writing? It seemed absurdly silly, but a little bit cool, and so it was disappointing when Franco deferred his acceptance in Fall 2011 and, again, in 2012. Well, it’s finally time to give up on the fantasy of running into him at the local coffee shop, scribbling poetry into his notebook. Franco is going to be busy teaching the world about art.
Ovation TV has given him his own show, James Franco Presents, of which he is host and executive producer. The show will “document his provocative explorations of the world of art.” In the Ovation press release, Franco is quoted: “This is a show where content dictates form and form dictates content. It is an art show that is an art piece, meaning the show has synched with the rhythms of my life and work.”
(There are more examples of Franco’s Instagram art, along with some ponderings about the show in this Hyperallergic article.)