Houston Arts Alliance is busy down on the Bayou these days; two projects focus on Houston’s waterway as economic engine and natural system: a new project, Working the Port, a year-long research project of HAA’s Folklife program and the Library of Congress, will focus on documenting the culture of work associated with the Houston port and ship channel – from shipboard to shoreside, from loading docks to board rooms.
Meanwhile, eco-artist Mark Dion is hard at work customizing his laboratory on wheels, the Buffalo Bayou Invasive Plant Eradication Unit, that, despite its grim-reaperish title, will serve as a workstation, book mobile and public outreach vehicle with the purpose of ridding Buffalo Bayou and its tributaries of unwanted plant species. A kick-off event for the project is slated for Wednesday, October 12, at 7 pm at Lot H near the Sabine Street Bridge.
Implements of destruction for the truck, such as science and laboratory items, hoes, rakes, bolt cutters, hatchets, microscopes, local maps and field guides, petri dishes, beakers, plant presses, insect nets, dip nets and binoculars, are currently being accepted. To make a donation, please contact Jessalyn Ballard at Jessalyn Ballard at Buffalo Bayou Partnership.