Art Dirt 12: The Ellsworth Kelly Chapel at UT Is A Chapel

by Glasstire February 18, 2018

In our latest Art Dirt podcast, Rainey Knudson and Christina Rees discuss the new, $23 million Ellsworth Kelly chapel artwork titled “Austin” on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, and why on earth the people in charge don’t want it to be called a chapel.

To play the podcast, click on the orange play button below. You can also listen to it here.

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Charles Heppner February 18, 2018 - 11:00

I really enjoyed the conversation. The challenge with the invocation of religiosity within in the art. Plus A bit of an extravagant expense at the expense of the artists of Austin and Texas. I agree with your concerns about the grassroots.

- February 19, 2018 - 17:16

What if they did call it a chapel? Then who would really care that the piece refers to a chapel? Why is that the “juiciest” piece of news you have of this piece? No matter what its a place to sit and enjoy the play of light and architecture. They are using real tickets, not paper and Thursdays are free at the Blanton.


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