Jon Revett reviews an exhibition of Jay Shinn's geometric abstractions at the Old Jail Art Center in Albany.
Jon Revett
Diez años después: Reconsiderando “Amarillo Ramp” de Robert Smithson
by Jon Revettby Jon RevettEn el marco del 50.º aniversario de esta obra de tierra, Jon Revett escribe sobre “Amarillo Ramp” de Robert Smithson, el impacto de este artista en el arte de tierra y sus muchos proyectos sin realizar en Texas.
On the occasion of the earthwork's 50th anniversary, Jon Revett writes about Robert Smithson's "Amarillo Ramp," Smithson's impact on land art, and his many unrealized projects in Texas.
Infinite Staircase: “Virtual Realities: The Art of M.C. Escher” at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
by Jon Revettby Jon RevettJon Revett on why he was (surprisingly) impressed by the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston's M.C. Escher exhibition.
The Other Texas Panhandle: A Review of Terry Allen’s “Down in the Dirt” at the Museum of Texas Tech
by Jon Revettby Jon RevettJon Revett reviews "Down in the Dirt: The Graphic Art of Terry Allen," a show of the artist's print works at the Museum of Texas Tech in Lubbock.
Owens employs a large arsenal of techniques and media, but painting always comes out on top.
'Fair Park Lagoon' by Patricia Johanson is one of the most important artworks in Dallas. Its fate is tied to the fate of the Park.
I've reverse-engineered my way through art history, while maintaining a mild obsession with Smithson and his work. It’s his fault I poured all that grease.
West Texas weather is the crazy doorman to Amarillo Ramp, and no one is on the list.