The Arts Community Alliance (TACA) Announces 2020 Grantees; New Grant For COVID-19 Aid

by Christopher Blay April 7, 2020

The Cedars Union awarded a grant from The Arts Community Alliance (TACA), Dallas.


“Thanks to contributions from new funding partners and the TI Foundation’s increased gift of $100,000 (from the original $25,000), $605,600 has been raised to date for the Fund.”

“Through this grant, we want to ensure the long-term support of Dallas’ artists and venues, so that when we’ve moved past this difficult time, our arts community remains strong, and continues to help make Dallas a great place to live and work,” said Andy Smith, executive director of the TI Foundation. “The arts are a vital building block of a strong community, and TACA’s COVID-19 emergency relief fund will help ensure that we continue to have a thriving, vibrant, innovative community.”

“The Dallas philanthropic community has responded to the TACA Emergency Arts Relief Fund in an incredible and most generous way,” said Terry D. Loftis, Carlson President and Executive Director of TACA.  “Thanks to the TI Foundation’s increased commitment and new gifts from the Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust, Perot Foundation, Fichtenbaum Charitable Trust, Jaggers Family Fund, and Amy Walton, we’re nicely positioned to make grants to very deserving arts organizations on May 1 and again on June 1.


The Arts Community Alliance (TACA) in Dallas has awarded 2020 grant funds to four visual arts organizations, including The Cedars Union in Dallas, which is a community work space for artists that features private and shared studio spaces. The awards went to 46 arts organizations in total, including The Dallas Museum of Art, The Dallas Contemporary, and the Nasher Sculpture Center.

In a message to Glasstire, Cedars Union Executive Director Matt Bowdon writes: “Everyone at The Cedars Union is thrilled by the news that The CU was named a 2020 TACA Grant Recipient for the first time. We know the inclusion of visual arts is a pretty recent change for TACA, so to be one of four visual art organizations to receive funding is a huge honor and puts us in amazing and humbling company. We’re incredibly grateful to TACA’s donors, staff, and volunteers for supporting [the CU].”

The full list of grant recipients includes more than a dozen theater companies, such as The African-American Repertory Theater, Cara-Mía Theatre, and The Dallas Theater Center. There were also several dance companies represented, such as the Avant Chamber Ballet, and Bruce Wood Dance Company, and venues, including the AT&T Performing Arts Center.

The Nasher Sculpture Center

The Nasher Sculpture Center .

Founded in 1967, TACA has awarded more than $29 million in grants to more than 150 emerging and established nonprofit arts organizations of all sizes in Dallas County. As organizations ponder the immediate future of how to engage with audiences that can no longer be accommodated in person, grants like this become critical for small to mid-sized nonprofits.

To that end, TACA also announced the formation of the TACA Emergency Arts Relief Fund, “a resource to provide short-term immediate relief to Dallas County nonprofit arts organizations experiencing a loss in revenue or increased expenses due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19,” its announcement states. The special fund was established in collaboration with The Eugene McDermott Foundation, The Donna Wilhelm Family Fund, Hoblitzelle Foundation, Communities Foundation of Texas, Texas Instruments Foundation, the March Family Foundation, and the Embrey Family Foundation.

“Today we’re announcing the establishment of the TACA Emergency Arts Relief Fund to help arts organizations in Dallas County who are struggling,” says Terry D. Loftis, Carlson President and Executive Director of TACA. “We are privileged to work alongside our amazing emergency fund partners who share our goal of supporting organizations that contribute to a vibrant arts and cultural community.  We owe it to these organizations to provide assistance to them during this unprecedented time in history.”

To learn more about TACA’s grant programs, please visit its website here.

Glasstire is committed to providing information to artists and arts organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. For artists’ resources during this time, please go to our updating news feed, and our classifieds section of Artists’ Resources


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