The excellent Harry Ransom Center of the University of Texas at Austin (which houses the papers of many a literary giant) — one of the true research gems of our nation — has spent the last year digitally archiving some of its most important holdings in a project called REVEAL (“Read and View English and American Literature”), and it recently went live.
Around 22,000 images and documents are now available online as part of the Center’s open-access policy for public domain materials, including its collections of drawings, photos, letters, lists, journals, and typed and handwritten manuscripts by greats such as Oscar Wilde, Henry David Thoreau, Joseph Conrad, and many more. The policy for use makes these materials accessible to anyone for any purpose. These are high-resolutions scans, so images and even handwritten scrawls are super crisp. Here, for example, is a portal to the Center’s Thomas Hardy collection.

I zoomed in on this because I wanted to see the phrase “degenerate artist” in Oscar Wilde’s handwriting